SECTION I. GENERAL - TB-43-02090006DESCRIPTION OF COLORS.SECTION III. IDENTIFICATION MARKINGSFigure 3. Marking locations for 1-1/4-ton trucks.Figure 5. Marking locations--(typical) 2-1/2-,5-and 10-ton trucks.Figure 7. Marking locations -- (typical) 2-1/2-, 5- and 10-ton trucks.)Figure 8. Marking locations -- combat vehicles. (2 of 5)Figure 8. Marking locations -- combat vehicles. (4 of 5)Figure 9. Marking locations -- cargo trailers and tankers.Figure 11. Marking locations -- trailer and Semitrailer van.Figure 12. Marking locations -- construction and highway construction equipment. (2 of 6)Figure 12. Marking locations -- construction and highway construction equipment. (4 of 6)Figure 12. Marking locations -- construction and highway construction equipment. (6 of 6)Figure 13. Marking locations -- materials handling equipment. (2 of 4)Figure 13. Marking locations -- materials handling equipment. (4 of 4)The third markingsOPERATIONAL MARKINGS.SECTION IV. SAFETY MARKINGSTECHNICAL MARKINGS.Figure 18. Boom markings (boom extended).Marking Instructions for M984E1 Crane BoomWEIGHT CLASSIFICATION.Figure 21. M929, M920, M921, and M934 Expandable Van (Calibration).Figure 22. Vehicle weight classification sign installed.Figure 25. Sign installed on splash shield.OPERATION AND DESIGNATION PLATES.AMBULANCE MARKINGS-TACTICAL USE VEHICLEFigure 28. Ambulance marking military design vehicle.Figure 29. M996 2-Litter and M997 4-Litter Armored Ambulance.MILITARY POLICE MARKINGS--TACTICAL USE VEHICLESSECTION V. SAFETY SUMMARYCONTROL MEASURES - TB-43-02090037MEDICAL SURVEILLANCESECTION VI. CAMOUFLAGING PROCEDURESFigure 31. Pattern Painting Design for the M113AI Personnel Carrier.PREPARATION FOR PATTERN PAINTING - TB-43-02090041CAMOUFLAGE PAINTINGTIPS ON PAINTING - TB-43-02090043SECTION VII. VEHICLE CAMOUFLAGE PATTERNSFigure 33. Truck, ambulance: 1l4-ton M718A1. (1 of 2)Figure 33. Truck, ambulance: 1/4-ton M718A1. (2 of 2)Figure 34. Truck, utility: 1-1/4-ton M151A2. (1 of 2)Figure 34. Truck, utility: 1-1/4-ton M151A2. (2 of 2)Figure 35. Vehicle, support: 1-1/4-ton M561. (1 of 2)Figure 35. Vehicle, support: 1-1/4-ton M561; (2 of 2)Figure 36. Truck, cargo: 1-114-ton M880. (1 of 2)Figure 36. Truck, cargo: 1-1/4-ton M880. (2 of 2)Figure 37. Shop equipment, contact maintenance truck mounted. (1 of 2)Figure 37. Shop equipment, contact maintenance truck mounted. (2 of 2)Figure 38. Ambulance, 2-litter, hard top, 4 x 4, M996. (1 of 2)Figure 38. Ambulance, 2-liter, hard top, 4 x 4, M996. (2 of2)Figure 39. Ambulance, 4-litter, hard top, 4 x 4, M997. (1 of 2)Figure 39. Ambulance, 4-litter, hard top, 4 x 4, M997. (2 of 2)Figure 40. Truck, utility: armament carrier, armored 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M996, M1025, M1026 wlwinch, M1044, M1045, and M1046. (1 of 2)Figure 40. Truck, utility: armament carrier, armored 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M996, M1025, M1026 w/winch, M1044, M1045, and M1046. (2 of 2)Figure 41. Truck, utility: cargo/troop carrier, 1-1/4-ton 4 x 4, M1035, M1038. (1 of 2)Figure 41. Truck, utility: cargo/troop carrier, 1-1/4-ton 4 x 4, M1035, M1038. (2 of 2)Figure 42. Truck, utility: 5250 shelter carrier, 4 x 4, M1037, M1042. (1 of 2)Figure 42. Truck, utility: 5250 shelter carrier, 4 x 4, M1037, M1042. (2 of 2)Figure 43. Truck, cargo: canvas shelter, 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1008. (1 of 2)Figure 43. Truck, cargo: canvas shelter, 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1008. (2 of 2)Figure 43a. Truck, cargo: 1-1/4-ton, 4 x4, M1008. (1 of 2)Figure 43a. Truck, cargo: 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1008. (2 of 2)Figure 44. Truck, utility: 3/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1009. (1 of 2)Figure 44. Truck, utility: 3/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1009. (2 of 2)Figure 44a. Truck, utility: 3/44-ton, 4 x 4, M1009. (1 of 2) (complete repaint)Figure 44a. Truck, utility: 3/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1009. (2 of 2) (complete repaint)Figure 45. Truck, ambulance: 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1010. (1 of 2)Figure 45. Truck, ambulance: 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1010. (2 of 2)Figure 45a. Truck, ambulance: 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1010. (1 of 2) (complete repaint)Figure 45a. Truck, ambulance: 1-1/4-ton, 4 x 4, M1010. (2 of 2) (complete repaint)Figure 46. Truck, chassis: type D, 1-1/4-ton, M1031. (1 of 2)Figure 46. Truck, chassis: type D, 1-1/4ton, M1031. (2 of 2)Figure 47. Truck, cargo/personnel: 6 x 6, 2-1/2-ton, M35A2, M35A2C, and V18A. (1 of 2)Figure 47. Truck, cargo/personnel: 6 x 6, 2-1/2-ton, M35A2, M35A2C, and V18A. (2 of 2)Figure 48. Truck, distribution, fuel/water: 6 x 6, 2-1/2-ton series. (1 of 2)Figure 48. Truck, distribution, fuel/water: 6 x 6, 2-1/2-ton series. (2 of 2)Figure 49. Truck, cargo: 2-1/2-ton SLWB, M36A2 and M36C. (1 of 4)Figure 49. Truck, cargo: 2-1/2-ton SLWB, M36A2 and M36C. (2 of 4)Figure 49. Truck, cargo: 2-1/2-ton SLWB, M36A2 and M36C. (3 of 4)Figure 49. Truck, cargo: 2-1/2-ton SLWB, M36A2 and M36C. (4 of 4)Figure 50. Truck, tanker, fuel: 2-1/2-ton, wo/winch M49A1C and M49A2C. (1 of 2)Figure 50. Truck, tanker, fuel: 2-1/2-ton, wo/winch M49A1C and M49A2C. (2 of 2)Figure 51. Truck, water distribution: 2-1/2-ton, M50, M50A2 and M50A3. (1 of 2)Figure 51. Truck, water distribution: 2-1/2-ton, M50, M50A2 and M50A3. (2 of 2)Figure 52. Truck, shop van: 2-1/2-ton, 6 x 6, M109A3 and M185A3. (1 of 2)Figure 52. Truck, shop van: 2-1/2-ton, 6 x 6, M109A3 and M185A3. (2 of 2)Figure 53. Truck, tractor: 2-1/2-ton, M44, M275A2. (1 of 2)Figure 53. Truck, tractor: 2-1/2-ton, M44, M275A2. (2 of 2)Figure 54. Truck, dump: 2-1/2-ton, M342A2. (1 of 4)Figure 54. Truck, dump: 2-1/2-ton, M342A2. (2 of 4)Figure 54. Truck, dump: 2-1/2-ton, M342A2. (3 of 4)Figure 54. Truck, dump: 2-1/2-ton, M342A2. (4 of 4)Figure 55. Truck, maintenance, earth boring machine and pole setter: 2-1/2-ton, 6 x 6, M764 w/winch. (I of 4)Figure 55. Truck, maintenance, earth boring machine and pole setter: 2-1/2-ton, 6 x 6, M764 wlwinch. (2 of 4)Figure 55. Truck, maintenance, earth boring machine and pole setter: 2-1/2-ton, 6 x 6, M764 wlwinch. (3 of 4)Figure 55. Truck, maintenance, earth boring machine and pole setter: 2-1/2-ton, 6 x 6, M764 w/winch. (4 of 4)Figure 56. Truck, dump: 5-ton, wlwinch, M51AI and M51A2. (I of2)Figure 56. Truck, dump: 5-ton, w/winch, M51AI and M51A2. (2 of 2)Figure 57. Truck, tractor: 5-ton, wo/lwinch, M52AI and M52A2 (I of2)Figure 57. Truck, tractor: 5-ton, wo/lwinch, M52AI and M52A2 (2 of2)Figure 58. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, wlwinch, M813 and M131AI. (I of 2)Figure 58. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, wlwinch, M813 and M131AI. (2 of2)Figure 59. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, 6 x 6, M814 and M55A2. (I of 4)Figure 59. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, 6 x 6, M814 and M55A2. (2 of 4)Figure 59. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, 6 x 6. M814 and M55A2. (3 of 4)Figure 59. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, 6 x 6, M814 and M55A2. (4 of 4)Figure 60. Truck, wrecker: 5-16n, M816 and M543A2. (1 of2)Figure 60. Truck, wrecker: 5-ton, M816 and M543A2. (2 of 2)Figure 61. Truck, dump: 5-ton, M817, wlwinch. (I of2)Figure 61. Truck, dump: 5-ton, M817, wlwinch. (2 of 2)Figure 62. Truck, tractor: 5-ton, 6 x 6, M818. (I of 2)Figure 62. Truck, tractor: 5-ton, 6 x 6, M818. (2 of 2)Figure 63. Truck, tractor wrecker: 5-ton, w/winch, M819. (I of 2)Figure 63. Truck, tractor wrecker: 5-ton, wlwinch, M819. (2 of 2)Figure 64. Truck, wrecker: 10-ton, 4 x 4, M553. (1 of 2)Figure 64. Truck, wrecker: 10-ton, 4 x 4, M553. (2 of 2)Figure 65. Truck, van, expansible: 5-ton, M820A2. (I of 2)Figure 65. Truck, van, expansible: 5-ton, M820A2. (2 of2)Figure 66. Truck, tractor: 5-ton, M920. (I of2)Truck, tractor: 5-ton, M920. (2 of 2)Figure 67. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M923AI and M925A1. (I of 4)Figure 67. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M923A1 and M925A1. (2 of 4)Figure 67. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M923A1 and M925AI. (3 of4)Figure 67. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M923A1 and M925A1. (4 of 4)Figure 68. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M924A1 and M926A1. (I of 4)Figure 68. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M924AI and M926AI. (2 of 4)Figure 68. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M924AI and M926A1. (3 of 4)Figure 68. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, M924,i1 and M926AI. (4 of 4)Figure 69. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, XLWB, M927A1 and M928A1. (I of 4)Figure 69. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, XLWB, M927A1 and M928AI. (2 of 4)Figure 69. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, XLWB, M927A1 and M928A1. (3 of 4)Figure 69. Truck, cargo: 5-ton, XLWB, M927A1 and M928A1. (4 of 4)Figure 70. Truck, dump: 5-ton, M929AI and M930AI. (1 of 2)Figure 70. Truck, dump: 5-ton, M929AI and M930AI. (2 of2)Figure 71. Truck, tractor: 5-ton, M931A1 and M932 Al. (1 of 2)Figure 71. Truck, tractor: 5-ton, M931A1 and M932A1. (2 of 2)Figure 72. Truck, van, expansible: 5-ton, M934A1 and M935AI. (1 of 4)Figure 72. Truck, van, expansible: 5-ton, M934AI and M935A1. (2 of 4)Figure 72. Truck, van, expansible: 5-ton, M934A1 and M935A1. (3 of 4)Figure 72. Truck, van, expansible: 5-ton, M934A1 and M935AI. (4 of 4)Figure 73. Truck, wrecker: 5-ton M936A1. (1 of4)Figure 73. Truck, wrecker: 5-ton M936AI . (2 of 4)Figure 73. Truck, wrecker: 5-ton M936A1. (3 of 4)Figure 73. Truck, wrecker: 5-ton M936A1. (4 of 4)Figure 74. Truck, cargo: 8-ton, 4 x 4, M520 and M877 w/winch. (1 of 2)Figure 74. Truck, cargo: 8-ton, 4 x 4, M520 and M877 w/winch. (2 of 2)Figure 75. Truck, tank: fuel servicing, 2500 gallon, 4 x 4, M559. (1 of 2)Figure 75. Truck, tank: fuel servicing, 2500 gallon, 4 x 4, M559. (2 of 2)Figure 76. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M123A2C, wolwhich. (1 of2)Figure 76. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M123A2C, wo/winch. (2 of 2)Figure 77. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M911. (1 of 4)Figure 77. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M911. (2 of 4)Figure 77. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M911. (3 of4)Figure 77. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M911. (4 of 4)Figure 78. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M001. (1 of 4)Figure 78. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M1001. (2 of 4)Figure 78. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M1001. (3 of 4)Figure 78. Truck, tractor: 10-ton, M1001. (4 of 4)Figure 79. Truck, wrecker: 10-ton, M1002. (1 of 2)Figure 79. Truck, wrecker: 10-ton, M1002. (2 of 2)Figure 80. Truck, cargo: 11-ton, M977 and M985E1. (1 of 2)Figure 80. Truck, cargo: 11-ton, M977 and M985E1. (2 of 2)Figure 81. Truck, tanker: 11-ton, M978. (1 of 2)Figure 81. Truck, tanker: 11-ton, M978. (2 of 2)Figure 82. Truck, tractor: 11-ton, M983. (1 of 4)Figure 82. Truck, tractor: Ii-ton, M983. (2 of 4)Figure 82. Truck, tractor: 11-ton, M983. (3 of 4)Figure 82. Truck, tractor: 11-ton, M983. (4 of 4)Figure 83. Truck, tractor: 11-ton, w/crane, M983. (1 of 4)Figure 83. Truck, tractor: 11 -ton, w/crane, M983. (2 of 4)Figure 83. Truck, tractor: 11-ton, w/crane, M983. (3 of 4)Figure 83. Truck, tractor: 11-ton, w/crane, M983. (4 of 4)Figure 84. Truck, recovery: 11-ton, M984. (1 of 4)Figure 84. Truck, recovery: 11-ton, M984. (2 of 4)Figure 84. Truck, recovery: 11-ton, M984. (3 of 4)Figure 84. Truck, recovery: 11-ton, M984. (4 of 4)Figure 85. Truck, wrecker: 11-ton, M984E1. (1 of 4)Figure 85. Truck, wrecker: 11-ton, M984E1. (2 of 4)Figure 85. Truck, wrecker: I1-ton, M984E1. (3 of 4)Figure 85. Truck, wrecker: 11-ton, M984EI. (4 of 4)Figure 86. Truck, cargo: 11-ton, M977 and M985. (1 of 2)Figure 86. Truck, cargo: 11-ton, M977 and M985. (2 of 2)Figure 87. Truck, tractor: 22-1/2-ton linehaul, M915A1. (I of 2)Figure 87. Truck, tractor: 22-1/2-ton linehaul, M915AI. (2 of 2)Figure 88. Truck, dump: 20-ton, M917. (1 of 4)Figure 88. Truck, dump: 20-ton, M917. (2 of 4)Figure 88. Truck, dump: 20-ton, M917. (3 of 4)Figure 88. Truck, dump: 20-ton, M917. (4 of 4)Figure 89. Truck, concrete: mobile, M919. (1 of 4)Figure 89. Truck, concrete: mobile, M919. (2 of4)Figure 89. Truck, concrete: mobile, M919. (3 of 4)Figure 89. Truck, concrete: mobile, M919. (4 of 4)Figure 90. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M1/M1 chassis. (1 of 2)Figure 90. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M1IM1 chassis. (2 of2)Figure 91. Tank, combat, full- tracked: 120-mm gun, M1A1. (1 of2)Figure 91. Tank, combat, full tracked: 120-mm gun, M1A1. (2 of 2)Figure 92. Fighting Vehicle, infantry M2/M2A1, cavalry M3/M3A1. (1 of2)Figure 92. Fighting Vehicle, infantry M2/M2A1, cavalry M3/M3A1. (2 of 2)Figure 93. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, 1PM1. (1 of 2)Figure 93. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, 1PM1. (2 of2)Figure 94. Blade, bulldozer, earthmoving: M8A3/M9. (1 of 2)Figure 94. Blade, bulldozer, earthmoving: M8A3/M9. (2 of 2)Figure 95. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M48A5. (1 of 2)Figure 95. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M48A5. (2 of 2)Figure 96. Launcher and M48A5 tank chassis, transporting:for Bridge, armored-vehicle-launched scissoring type, class 60. (1 of2)Figure 96. Launcher and M48A5 tank chassis, transporting:for Bridge, armored-vehicle-launched scissoring type, class 60. (2 of2)Figure 97. Launcher, platform, M54A2E1. (1 of 2)Figure 97. Launcher, platform, M54A2E1. (2 of 2)Figure 98. Launcher and M60A1 chassis, transporting: for Bridge, armored-vehicle-launched scissoring type, class 60. (1 of 2)Figure 98. Launcher and M60AI chassis, transporting:for Bridge, armored-vehicle-launched scissoring type, class 60. (2 of2)Figure 99. Self-propelled Loader/Launcher, M270. (1 of 2)Figure 99. Self-propelled Loader/Launcher, M270. (2 of 2)Figure 100. Self-propelled Launcher (SPL) M752, Loader-transporter (LT) M688. (1 of 2)Figure 100. Self-propelled Launcher (SPL) M752, Loader-transporter (LT) M688. (2 of2)Figure 101. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M60A1. (1 of 2)Figure 101. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M60A1. (2 of2)Figure 102. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M60A3. (1 of 2)Figure 102. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M60A3. (2 of2)Figure 103. Tank, mine-clearing: robot-line-charge, roller and clams, M60A3. (1 of 2)Figure 103. Tank, mine-clearing: robot-line-charge, roller and clams, M60A3. (2 of 2)Figure 104. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M60A3TTS. (1 of2)Figure 104. Tank, combat, full tracked: 105-mm gun, M60A3TTS. (2 of 2)Figure 105. Tank, recovery vehicle, full tracked: medium, M88A1. (1 of 2)Figure 105. Tank, recovery vehicle ,full tracked: medium, M88A1. (2 of2)Figure 106. Howitzer, medium, self-propelled: 155-mm, M109A2. (1 of2)Figure 106. Howitzer, medium, self-propelled: 155-mm, M109A2. (2 of 2)Figure 107. Howitzer, self-propelled: 8-inch, M110A2. (1 of 2)Figure 107. Howitzer, self-propelled: 8-inch, M110A2. (2 of 2)Figure 108. Carrier, personnel: M113A3. (1 of 2)Figure 108. Carrier, personnel: M113A3. (2 of2)Figure 109. Carrier, personnel, full tracked, armored: M113A2. (I of2)Figure 109. Carrier, personnel full tracked, armored: M113A2. (2 of 2)Figure 110. Carrier, personnel, fire support, M981. (1 of2)Figure 110. Carrier, personnel, fire support, M981. (2 of 2)Figure 111. Carrier, cargo, full tracked: M548. (1 of 2)Figure 111. Carrier, cargo, full tracked: M548. (2 of 2)Figure 112. Armored, reconnaissance/airborne vehicles full tracked, M551AI. (I of2)Figure 112. Armored, reconnaissance/airborne vehicles full tracked, M551AI. (2 of 2)Figure 113. Carrier, command post, full tracked, armored, M577A2. (1 of 2)Figure 113. Carrier, command post, full tracked, armored, M577A2. (2 of 2)Figure 114. Recovery vehicle, armored: M578. (1 of 2)Figure 114. Recovery vehicle, armored: M578. (2 of2)Figure 115. Tank, combat, engineers vehicle, full tracked, M728. (I of 2)Figure 115. Tank, combat, engineers vehicle ,full tracked, M728. (2 of2)Figure 116. Carrier, guided missile equipment, M730AIEI. (I of 2)Figure 116. Carrier, guided missile equipment, M730AIEI. (2 of2)Figure 117. APC, improved tow vehicle, M901AI. (1 of2)Figure 117. APC, improved tow vehicle, M901A1. (2 of2)Figure 118. Carrier, cargo, tracked, 1-1/2-ton, M973. (I of 2)Figure 118. Carrier, cargo, tracked, 1-1/2-ton, M973. (2 of 2)Figure 119. Carrier, ammunition, tracked: M992. (1 of 2)Figure 119. Carrier, ammunition, tracked: M992. (2 of 2)Figure 120. Carrier, electronic warfare, tracked: M1015. (1 of 2)Figure 120. Carrier, electronic warfare, tracked: M1015. (2 of 2)Figure 121. Carrier, smoke generator M1059 (1 of 2)Figure 121. Carrier, smoke generator, M1059. (2 of 2)Figure 122. Trailer, cargo: 3/4-ton, 2-wheel, M101A1. (1 of 2)Figure 122. Trailer, cargo: 3/4-ton, 2-wheel, M101A1. (2 of 2)Figure 123. Trailer, cargo: 1-1/4 ton, 2-wheel, M105A2. (1 of 2)Figure 123. Trailer, cargo: 1-1/4 ton, 2-wheel, M105A2. (2 of 2)Figure 124. Trailer, tank: water 1-1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M107A2. (1 of 2)Figure 124. Trailer, tank: water 1-1/4-ton, 2-wheel, M107A2. (2 of 2)Figure 125. Trailer, tank: water, 400 gallon, 1-1/2-ton, 2-wheel, M149A2. (1 of 2)Figure 125. Trailer, tank: water, 400 gallon, 1-1/2-ton, 2-wheel, M149A2. (2 of 2)Figure 126. Trailer, cable reel: M310. (1 of 2)Figure 126. Trailer, cable reel: M310. (2 of 2)Figure 127. Trailer, ammunition: 1-1/2-ton, 2-wheel, M332. (1 of 2)Figure 127. Trailer, ammunition: 1-1/2-ton, 2-wheel, M332. (2 of 2)Figure 128. Trailer, flatbed: 10-ton, M345. (1 of 2)Figure 128. Trailer, flatbed: 10-ton, M345. (2 of 2)Figure 129. Trailer, cargo: 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, general purpose, M16. (1 of 2)Figure 129. Trailer, cargo: 1/4-ton, 2-wheel, general purpose, M16. (2 of 2)Figure 130. Trailer, bolster: 4-ton, 4-wheel, general purpose, M796. (1 of 2)Figure 130. Trailer, bolster: 4-ton, 4-wheel, general purpose, M796. (2 of 2)Figure 131. Trailer, ammunition: 11-ton, heavy expanded mobility, M989. (1 of 2)Figure 131. Trailer, ammunition: 11-ton, heavy expanded mobility, M989. (2 of 2)Figure 132. Container, cargo: general, MILVAN. (1 of 2)Figure 132. Container, cargo: general, MILVAN. (2 of 2)Figure 133. Semitrailer, van: cargo, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M119A1. (1 of 2)Figure 133. Semitrailer, van: cargo, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M119A1. (2 of 2)Figure 134. Semitrailer,, van: cargo, 12-ton, 4-wheel, M127A2C. (1 of 2)Figure 134. Semitrailer, van: cargo, 12-ton, 4-wheel, M127A2C. (2 of 2)Figure 135. Semitrailer, van: shop, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M146. (1 of 2)Figure 135. Semitrailer, van: shop, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M146. (2 of 2)Figure 136. Semitrailer, van: expansible, 6-ton, 4-wheel, M313. (1 of 2)Figure 136. Semitrailer, van: expansible, 6-ton, 4-wheel, M313. (2 of 2)Figure 137. Semitrailer, van: composite, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M348A2. (1 of 2)Figure 137. Semitrailer, van: composite, 6-ton, 2-wheel, M348A2. (2 of 2)Figure 138. Semitrailer, van: expansible, 6-ton, 4-wheel, M447, M447C, M749. (1 of 2)Figure 138. Semitrailer, van: expansible, 6-ton, 4-wheel, M447, M447C, M749. (2 of2)Figure 139. Semitrailer, van: supply, 12-ton, 4-wheel, M129A2C. (1 of 2)Figure 139. Semitrailer, van: supply, 12-ton, 4-wheel, M129A2C. (2 of2)Figure 140. Semitrailer, tanker: fuel servicing, 5000 gallon, 4-wheel, M131ASC. (I of 2)Figure 140. Semitrailer, tanker: fuel servicing, 5000 gallon, 4-wheel, M131A5C. (2 of2)Figure 141. Semitrailer, tanker: 7500 gallon, M1062. (I of2)Figure 141. Semitrailer, tanker: 7500 gallon, M1062. (2 of 2)Figure 142. Semitrailer, van: expansible parts storage, 6-ton, 4-wheel, M750. (I of 2)Figure 142. Semitrailer, van: expansible parts storage, 6-ton, 4 wheel, M-750. (2 of 2)Figure 143. Semitrailer, van: flatbed breakbulk container transporter, 22-1/2-ton, M871. (1 of2)Figure 143. Semitrailer, van :flatbed breakbulk container transporter, 22-1/2-ton, M871. (2 of 2)Figure 144. Semitrailer, low bed: 22-1/2-ton, 6-wheel, M870AI. (1 of 2)Figure 144. Semitrailer, low bed: 22-1/2-ton, 6-wheel, M870AI. (2 of 2)Figure 145. Semitrailer, low bed: 25-ton, 4-wheel, Ml 72A1. (I of 2)Figure 145. Semitrailer, low bed: 25-ton, 4-wheel, M172A1. (2 of 2)Figure 146. Semitrailer, linehaul: breakbulk container, 34-ton, M872A3. (I of 2)Figure 146. Semitrailer, linehaul: breakbulk container, 34-ton, M872A3. (2 of 2)Figure 147. Semitrailer, low bed: heavy equipment transporter, 60-ton, M747. (1 of 2)Figure 147. Semitrailer, low bed: heavy equipment transporter, 60-ton, M747. (2 of 2)Figure 148. Semitrailer, tanker: 5000 gallon, 4-wheel, M967A1, M969A1 and M970AI. (I of 2)Figure 148. Semitrailer, tanker: 5000 gallon, 4-wheel, M967A1, M969A1 and M970A1. (2 of 2)Figure 149. Semitrailer, van: small repair parts transporter,, M1032 (also M373A2C). (1 of 2)Figure 149. Semitrailer, van: small repair parts transporter, M1032 (also M373A2C). (2 of 2)Figure 150. Semitrailer, van: basic, 10-ton, 4-wheel, M971E1, M822E1, M991E2 and M995E2. (1 of 2)Figure 150. Semitrailer, van: basic, 10-ton, 4-wheel, M971E1, M822E1, M991E2 and M995E2. (2 of 2)Figure 151. Air compressor: 250-CFM. (1 of 2)Figure 151. Air compressor: 250-CFM. (2 of 2)Figure 152. Crane, truck: 7-1/2-ton, R050. (1 of 2)Figure 152. Crane, truck: 7-1/2-ton, R050. (2 of 2)Figure 153. Crane, self-propelled: aircraft maintenance and positioning, RT41AA. (1 of 2)Figure 153. Crane, self-propelled: aircraft maintenance and positioning, RT41AA. (2 of 2)Figure 154. Distributor, water, self-propelled 2500 gallon minimum, 613B. (1 of 2)Figure 154. Distributor, water, self-propelled 2500 gallon minimum, 613B. (2 of 2)Figure 155. Roadgrader, heavy, 130G and 130GS. (1 of 2)Figure 155. Roadgrader, heavy, 130G and 130GS. (2 of 2)Figure 156. Tractor, wheeled, DED, w/backhoe, w/front loader, JD-140. (1 of 2)Figure 156. Tractor, wheeled, DED, w/backhoe, w/front loader, JD-140. (2 of 2)Figure 157. Tractor, full tracked, low speed, DED, air dropable and helicopter transportable, JD550.Figure 157. Tractor, full tracked, low speed, DED, air dropable and helicopter transportable, JD550. (2 of 2)Figure 158. Tractor, full tracked, low speed, DED, sectionalized and nonsectionalized, D5B. (1 of 2)Figure 158. Tractor, full tracked, low speed, DED, sectionalized and nonsectionalized, D5B. (2 of 2)Figure 159. Tractor, full tracked, low speed, DED, medium drawbar pull (T-9), D7G. (1 of 2)Figure 159. Tractor, full tracked, low speed, DED, medium drawbar pull (T-9), D7G. (2 of 2)Figure 160. Scraper, open bowl, self-propelled, 621B. (1 of 2)Figure 160. Scraper, open bowl, self-propelled, 621B. (2 of 2)Figure 161. Earthmover, armored, combat, M9. (1 of 2)Figure 161. Earthmover, armored, combat, M9. (2 of 2)Figure 162. Small emplacement excavator, FLU419. (1 of 2)Figure 162. Small emplacement excavator, FLU419. (2 of 2)Figure 163. Scoop loader, 2-1/2 CY, MW24C. (1 of 2)Figure 163. Scoop loader, 2-1/2 CY, MW24C. (2 of 2)Figure 164. Scoop loader, 950BS and 950BNS. (1 of 2)Figure 164. Scoop loader, 950BS and 950BNS. (2 of 2)Figure 165. Trailer, chassis: antenna transceiver group, AN/TPQ-37. (1 of 5)Figure 165. Trailer, chassis: antenna transceiver group, AN/TPQ-37. (2 of 5)Figure 165. Trailer, chassis: antenna transceiver group, AN/TPQ-37. (3 of 5)Figure 165. Trailer, chassis: antenna transceiver group, ANITPQ-37. (4 of 5)Figure 165. Trailer, chassis: antenna transceiver group, AN/TPQ-37. (5 of 5)Figure 166. Ramp, M499.Figure 167. Laundry Unit, M536. (1 of 2)Figure 167. Laundry Unit, M536. (2 of 2)Figure 168. Crane, container: rough terrain, 875CC. (1 of 4)Figure 168. Crane, container: rough terrain, 875CC. (2 of 4)Figure 168. Crane, container: rough terrain, 875CC. (3 of4)Figure 168. Crane, container: rough terrain, 875CC. (4 of 4)Figure 169. Crane, truck, 140-ton. (1 of 4)Figure 169. Crane, truck, 140-ton. (2 of 4)Figure 169. Crane, truck, 140-ton. (3 of 4)Figure 169. Crane, truck, 140-ton. (4 of 4)Figure 170. Truck, forklift, DED, pneumatic tire, articulated frame steer, 4000 lb. Capacity rough terrain, M4K. (1 of 2)Figure 170. Truck, forklift, DED, pneumatic tire, articulated frame steer, 4000 lb. capacity rough terrain, M4K. (2 of 2)Figure 171. Truck, forklift, 6K cap, variable reach, rough terrain, M489. (1 of 2)Figure 171. Truck, forklift, 6K cap, variable reach, rough terrain, M489. (2 of 2)Figure 172. Loader, F/L DED, RT, M10, A488. (1 of 2)Figure 172. Loader, F/L, DED, RT, M10, M488. (2 of 2)Figure 173. Loader, RT container handler, M412. (1 of 2)Figure 173. Loader, RT container handler, M412. (2 of 2)SECTION VIII. COLORS FOR VEHICLES, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS HANDLING EQUIPMENTColors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090374Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090375Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090376Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090377Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090378Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090379Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090380Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090381Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090382Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090383Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090384Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment-continued - TB-43-02090385APPENDIX A. REFERENCES - TB-43-02090386APPENDIX A. REFERENCES-continued - TB-43-02090387APPENDIX A. REFERENCES-continued - TB-43-02090388APPENDIX A. REFERENCES-continued - TB-43-02090389APPENDIX B. NSN TABLESTable B-2-continuedTable B-3. COATING, ALIPHATIC POLYURETHANE, CHEMICAL AGENT RESISTANT (CARC) 2-COMPONENT (TOPCOAT) MIL-C-46168 Type IVTable B-5. EPOXY COATING (INTERIOR) MIL-C-22750Table B-6. NON-CARC COATINGSTable B-7. PRIMERSTable B-9. THINNER, MIL-T-81772APPENDIX C. VEHICLE CAMOUFLAGE PATTERNS WHEELED VEHICLESAPPENDIX C. VEHICLE CAMOUFLAGE PATTERNS WHEELED VEHICLES-continued - TB-43-02090398APPENDIX C. VEHICLE CAMOUFLAGE PATTERNS WHEELED VEHICLES-continued - TB-43-02090399APPENDIX C. VEHICLE CAMOUFLAGE PATTERNS WHEELED VEHICLES-continued - TB-43-02090400APPENDIX C. VEHICLE CAMOUFLAGE PATTERNS WHEELED VEHICLES-continued - TB-43-02090401APPENDIX D. Special CARC-Painting RegulationsAPPENDIX D. Special CARC-Painting Regulations-continuedTB-43-0209 Color Marking and Comouflage Painting of Military Vehicles Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment Manual