TB 43-0213
Section I. GENERAL
industrial pollution, atmospheric pollution (smog), and
acid rain are also prime areas for application.
a. This technical bulletin (TB) provides an overview
of the U.S. Army's Corrosion Prevention and Control
Reporting of Equipment improvement
(CPC) program, as well as specific instructions for
Recommendations (EIRs).
rustproofing select tactical wheeled vehicles and
EIRs can be submitted by anyone who is aware of an
unsatisfactory condition, material, material application
b. This technical bulletin defines types of corrosion
procedure, as well as with any unsatisfactory condition
as well as key corrosion prevention techniques and
in the design or use of any of the rustproofing
materials, material application instructions, and impor-
equipment described herein. It is not necessary to show
tant application safety hazards. This bulletin describes
a new design or to list a better way to perform a
rustproofing equipment available to using units.
procedure. Rather, simply tell why a procedure is
Equipment operation, maintenance, and troubleshoot-
difficult. EIRs may be submitted on Standard Form 368
ing procedures are also covered.
(Quality Deficiency Report). Mail directly to: Com-
mander, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command,
c. This technical bulletin is designed to provide a
ATTN: AMSTA-QRT, Warren, MI 48397-5000. A
better understanding of rust, its causes, treatment, and
reply will be furnished directly to you,
prevention. It includes a detailed introduction to
rustproofing materials, equipment, and application
techniques. Finally, it contains vehicle specific
instructions for rustproofing all tactical vehicles and
a. Unit participation in the CPC Program is
mandatory. At the very least, unit participation is
d. One additional objective of this technical bulletin
limited to scheduled Preventive Maintenance Checks
is to provide rustproofers with the expertise necessary to
and Services (PMCS). This is because corrosion
adapt rustproofing techniques to other vehicles and
awareness and early preventive measures greatly reduce
trailers not specifically addressed in this TB.
Army vehicle maintenance cost and extend the service
life of all equipment.
b. The following regulation applies to the Corrosion
Prevention and Control Program: AR 750-59, Corro-
sion Prevention and Control.
a. These instructions are applicable to all com-
mands, units (including Army National Guard and
Army Reserve), installations, and activities. Implemen-
Vehicie Applications.
tation of this bulletin by commanders is mandatory
wherever corrosion prone or corrosion hazard
a. Table 1-1 lists all tactical vehicles with specific
environments dictate essentiality of corrosion preven-
rustproofing instructions in this TB. This list is in simple
tion measures,
alphanumeric order according to model number and
provides the chapter(s) where each model's rustproof-
b. Saltwater coastal areas, high humidity regions,
ing instructions can be found.
and all locations requiring use of halite (road salt) for
snow and ice removal are prime areas for the
b. Table 1-2 lists all trailers presented in
this TB
applications of CPC measures. Areas prone to
along with chapter references.