TB 43-0213
b. It is used to remove rust and scale from iron and
b. Those materials that most closely relate to the
steel components such as engine blocks, cylinder
Corrosion Prevention and Control Program are
heads, and miscellaneous engine parts. It can also be
provided below.
used to remove paint, heavy grease, oil, and phosphate
coatings. This should be accomplished in a separate
2-20. Rust Arresting Coating (MIL-R-10036).
a. This is a clear liquid composed of dryng and
2-23. Corrosion Removing Compound: Hy-
semi-drying oils and driers. This compound is diluted
drochloric Acid w/inhibitor (MIL-
with a petroleum solvent to a brush or spray
A-13528) (ORD).
b. The compound will set to touch in three hours
and dry to a hard film in 24 hours. It is used on rusted
metal and painted surfaces to arrest further corrosion.
Phosphine, (hydrogen phosphide), a color-
less, poisonous gas, forms very readily
when any mineral acid reacts with metals or
2-21. Cleaning Compound Solvent: De-
alloys containing phosphorus. Adequate
ventilation must be provided since this gas
creasing and Self-Emulsifying (MIL-
is a dangerous fire, explosive, and toxic haz-
ard. This acid causes burns. Avoid breath-
ing vapors. in case of contact with skin or
a. This compound is a liquid solvent containing an
eyes, flush immediately and thoroughly with
emulsifying agent or agents. It is used to remove oils,
water for at least 20 minutes. Get medical
from metallic and painted surfaces. It will not remove
wax-type rust preventive compounds.
a. This is an acid-pickling compound composed of
hydrochloric (muriatic) acid and an inhibiting material
b. The solvent is used full strength and is applied by
that limits the action of the acid on the. base metal after
brush, swab, soak, or spray followed by rinsing with a
the rust has been removed.
jet of steam or water. If water must be avoided, rinse
with dry cleaning solvent (P-S-661).
b. The compound as issued is ready for use. It is
used to remove heavy rust deposits from ferrous metal
parts such as bomb fins, engine blocks, and small arms
materiel. This compound does not change the
2-22. Corrosion Removing Compound: Al-
dimensions of the parts materially, if properly applied.
kaline Immersion (Oral JR-OME-PD-
2-24. Corrosion
Removing Compound:
Metal Conditioner and Rust Remover,
Phosphoric-Acid Type.
Due to the large quantity of caustic soda
(lye), do not add large amounts of the com-
pound to the water at one time, since the
reaction may generate enough heat to
This compound contains a strong acid. Care
cause an eruption. Protective clothing and
must be taken to prevent contact with skin
glasses should be worn when using or mak-
or eyes. Protective clothing and glasses
ing this solution. In case of contact with skin
should be worn when making up or using
or eyes, flush immediately and thoroughly
the solution. in case of contact, flush skin
with water for at least 20 minutes. Get medi-
and affected areas immediately and thor-
cal attention.
oughly with water for at least 20 minutes.
Get medical attention.
a. This compound is a dry powder or fine granular
a. This compound is a clear, homogeneous,
material, or both, in combination with flake material.
uninhibited phosphoric acid solution containing a
This compound is free from alkali metal cyanide.