TB 43-0242
alkyd paint does. It also resists removal by
decontaminating solutions.
d. It is as easy to apply as alkyd paint. Both
1-1. Purpose. This bulletin explains the Chemical
require similar surface preparation.
Agent Resistant Coating (CARC) process and provides
the field methods of spot painting using CARC.
e. It is as safe to use as any other paint when
you take the appropriate safety measures.
1-2. Scope. This bulletin contains information on
CARC's topcoat is similar to paint private
CARC for operator and unit-level maintenance
industry has used for years.
It covers the reasons CARC is used,
application procedures, safety precautions and provides
NSNs for the primers and paints.
2-1. The System. The CARC system is a combination
Suggested Improvements.
You can help
of pretreatments, primers and topcoats. After surface
improve this bulletin. If you find any mistakes or if you
preparation and pretreatment, exteriors of vehicles are
know of a way to improve the procedures, please let us
painted with an epoxy primer, then with an aliphatic
Mail your letter or DA Form 2028 to:
polyurethane topcoat. The interior of hull-type vehicles
Commander, US Army Materiel Command, ATTN:
gets an epoxy enamel over the epoxy primer.
AMCSMMMD, 5001 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria,
VA 22333-0001.
1-4. General. More and more equipment is being
painted with CARC. It has big advantages over the
older alkyd paint.
a. It lasts up to four times longer than alkyd
paint if applied properly. Similar polyurethane
paints are used on your car, commercial
machinery and bridgesanywhere a tough,
durable finish is needed. The CARC topcoat
also provides visual camouflage.
2-2. Identification. Most equipment painted in the new
It provides a surface that resists the
penetration of chemical agents. They just bead
Equipment painted with CARC should have "CARC"
up on the surface like water on a newly waxed
stenciled near the data plate.
That makes for quick, complete
decontamination and shorter times at MOPP-4.
2-3. CARC Test. If you don't see it stenciled, wet a
cloth with acetone and rub hard on the painted surface
c. The main word to remember is RESISTB 43-
for 10 seconds. Wet a clean corner of the cloth with
0242 TANT. CARC resists chemical agents. It
acetone and rub
does NOT soak up chemical agents the way