TB 55-9150-200-24
1-1. Purpose.
This bulletin specifies fuels, oils, additives and hydraulic fluids that will be used in Army aircraft.
1-2. Scope.
This bulletin is applicable to all active US Army, US Army Reserve, and US Army National Guard activities operating
and/or maintaining US Army aircraft.
1-3. Noncompliance Provision.
In all cases whenever compliance with provisions of this bulletin cannot be accomplished, the reasons will be
forwarded to Commander, US Army Aviation and Troop Command, ATTN: AMSAT-1-MP, 4300 Goodfellow Blvd., St.
Louis, MO 63120-1798.
1-4. Definitions.
For the purpose of this bulletin, the following definitions will apply:
a. Army standard fuel. These are the Army designated primary fuels adopted for world-wide use. These will be the
only fuels which will be readily available in the Army supply system.
b. Alternate fuel. This is a fuel which can be used continuously when the Army standard fuel is not available,
without reduction of power output. Power setting adjustments and increased maintenance may be required when an
alternate, fuel is used.
c. Approved commercial fuels. Commercial fuels may be used when standard or alternate fuels are not available.
Refer to applicable aircraft manuals for limitations.
d. Emergency fuel. This fuel may be used if the standard, alternate, and approved commercial fuels are not
available. Refer to applicable aircraft and engine manuals for operating limitations.
e. Engine manufacturer's recommended fuel. This is the fuel recommended by the engine manufacturer as most
suitable for use in a particular engine for maximum efficiency and longest engine life.
f. Draining. This is a procedure where oil fluid (fuel, oil, hydraulic fluid, etc.) in a reservoir or line is removed by
gravity flow leaving residual amounts of old fluid on the walls of the component.
g. Flushing and purging.
This is a
cleaning procedure whereby the old fluid is
first drained and then completely
removed from lines or reservoir by action of a solvent. The dry line or reservoir is then refilled with new fluid, drained to
remove solvent, and then refilled with service fluid. The oil-lubricated parts are then mechanically rotated, if possible, to
assure proper lubrication.
1-5. Unlisted Commercial Products.
An effort has been made to list all known qualified manufacturers and their products. These products meet the
requirements of the applicable Military Specifications. Equivalent products of unlisted manufacturers may be used
providing they meet the requirements of the applicable Military Specifications as verified by ATCOM. Code numbers
for the identification of fuels, lubricants and allied products used by the NATO Armed Forces are listed in TB 34-9-25.
1-6. Packaged Products.
See MIL-HDBK-200, Chapter 8 for storage, stock rotation and markings of packaged petroleum products.
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