maintenance of the equipment. End items of equipment are issued on the basis of allowances
prescribed in equipment authorization tables and other documents which are a basis for requisitioning.
(2) Section III lists the quantities of repair parts authorized for organizational maintenance and is a
basis for requisitioning by organizations which are authorized the major item of equipment.
(3) Section IV lists the quantities of repair parts for third and fourth echelon field. maintenance and is a
basis for requisitioning authorized parts. It is also a guide for fifth echelon in establishing initial levels of
spare parts.
Source, maintenance, and recoverability code. Source, maintenance and recoverability codes
indicates the technical service responsible for supply, the echelons where an item is stocked, echelons
where an item is installed or repaired, and whether an item is repairable or salvageable. The source
code column is divided into four parts.
(a) Column A. The numbers in this column in these columns indicate the technical service
responsible for supply. AR 310-2 defines the basic numbers used to identify the technical
services. If the part is supplied by the Signal Corps, the column is blank.
(b) Column B. Not used.
(c) Column C. This column indicates the lowest maintenance echelon authorized to install
the part.
(d) Column D. Not used.
(2) Federal stock number. The "Stock number" column lists the 11-digit Federal stock number. In
the absence of a Federal stock Number, an interim number, for example ttL5Ra41c-12, in the
description column indicates that a Federal stock number is being processed for assignment. The L
number may be used in emergencies to identify items.
(3) Designation by model. Not used.
(4) Description. Nomenclature or the standard item name and brief identifying data for each item is
listed in this column. When requisitioning, enter the' nomenclature and description on the requisition.
(5) Unit of issue. The unit of issue is the supply term applied to the smallest quantity by which the
item is counted for procurement, allowances, and issue purposes. storage,
(6) Expendability. Expendable items are indicated by the letter X; nonexpendable items are
indicated by NX.
(7) Quantity authorized. Under "Items comprising an Operable Equipment" the column lists the
quantity of items supplied for the initial operation of the equipment. Under "Running Spares and
Accessory Items" the quantities listed are those issued initially with the equipment as spare parts.
The quantities are authorized to be kept on hand by the operator for maintenance of the equipment.
(8) Quantity incorporated in unit. This column lists the quantity of each part found in a given
assembly, component, or equipment.
(9) Organizational. The quantities indicated in these columns are maximum levels of repair parts
authorized to be kept on hand by units performing organizational maintenance. The quantities are
based on 100 equipments to be maintained for a 15-day period.
(10) Field (third echelon). The numbers in these columns indicate quantities of repair parts
authorized for initial stockage for use in the third echelon maintenance and in supply support to
second echelon. The quantities are based on 100 equipments to be maintained for a 15-day period.
(11) Field (fourth echelon). The numbers in this column indicate quantities of repair parts
authorized for initial stockage for use in fourth echelon maintenance. The quantities are based on
100 equipments to be maintained for a 15-day period.
(12) Depot (fifth. echelon). The numbers in this column indicate quantities of repair parts
authorized for depot maintenance and for initial stockage for maintenance,