CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-43-0139_10PURPOSE OF PAINTINGSection II. SAFETY SUMMARYCONTROL MEASURES - TM-43-0139_13 SPECIFIC HAZARDSFire HazardsHazardous MaterialsEquipment Hazards.OTHER PUBLICATIONSCHAPTER 2 UNDERCOATS, FINISH MATERIALS, AND RELATED PRODUCTSSealing Compound, Curing (MIL-S-11031)Primer Coating, Epoxy-Polyamide, Chemical and Solvent Resistant (MIL-P-23377, Type I)Enamel, Rust-Inhibiting, Olive-Drab (TT-E-485)Drying TimePRIMER COATING (TT-P-636)PRIMER COATINGS, RUST-INHIBITING (TT-P664)OIL, LINSEED, RAW (TT-L-215)THINNER, AIRCRAFT COATING (MIL-T-81772)
Section VI. TOPCOAT OR FINISH COATDrying Time.Drying/Curing Time.CARC Shelf Life Extension.ENAMELSLACQUERS PAINTSCharacteristicsVARNISHESCHAPTER 3 FINISH SYSTEMSCLEANING OF SPECIFIC SURFACESSURFACE TREATMENTAPPLICATIONTable 3-1. Dry Film Thickness of Each Applied CoatTECHNIQUES OF MIXING AND THINNINGOPACITY AND COVERING DATATIPS ON PAINTING - TM-43-0139_44TIPS ON PAINTING WITH CARCSection III. SPECIFIC FINISH SYSTEMSTable 3-4. Non-Camouflage Finish SystemsTOUCHUP AND RECOATING.TAPE TEST (PAINT ADHESION TEST) FOR ALL FINISHESFigure 3-1. Tape Test.CHAPTER 4 CAMOUFLAGING PROCEDURESPATTERN DESIGNSFigure 4-1. Pattern Painting Design for the M113 Personnel CarrierROBOTIC METHODMARKINGS ON CAMOUFLAGED EQUIPMENTSection III. INSPECTION PROCEDURESLEVEL I INSPECTIONLEVEL II INSPECTIONFigure 4-4. Typical Views on Inspection Worksheet.LEVEL III INSPECTIONSUMMARY OF CPP INSPECTION REQUIREMENTSCHAPTER 5 APPLICATION TECHNIQUES AND EQUIPMENTFigure 5-1. Spray Gun TypesSPRAY GUN TECHNIQUESFigure 5-3. Proper Method for Making Spray Glen StrokesLEAKAGE AND CORRECTIONFigure 5-5. Removable Spray-Head Type Spray Gun, Exploded ViewFigure 5-6. Solid-Body Type Spray Gun, Exploded ViewJerky or Fluttering SprayFigure 5-7. Attached-Container Type Spray GunDefective Spray PatternsMist or Fog.Figure 5-9. Spray Painting FaultsCARE OF SPRAY EQUIPMENTFigure 5-11. Pressure-Feed Paint TankADDITIONAL SPRAY EQUIPMENTAir or water cooled compressorsTanks (Paint Containers).HosesValves and GagesFigure 5-13. Air Transformer InstallationsDowndraft boothsSection II. BRUSH OR ROLLER APPLICATIONFigure 5-15. Types of Brushes and RollersBRUSHING VARIOUS MATERIALSFigure 5-16. Brushing Techniques (Sheet 1 of 2)Figure 5-16. Brushing Techniques (Sheet 2 of 2)CLEANING OF BRUSHES AND ROLLERSMISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENTSection III. DIP APPLICATIONSection IV. TROUBLESHOOTING TECHNIQUESCHALKINGMILDEWINGRUNNING AND SAGGINGWRINKLINGCHAPTER 6 MARKING PROCEDURESFigure 6-1. Lettering and Stencil AlphabetFigure 6-2. Brush Preparation for LetteringFigure 6-3. Lettering Techniques (Sheet 1 of 3)Figure 6-3. Lettering Techniques (Sheet 2 of 3)Figure 6-3. Lettering Techniques (Sheet 3 of 3)Figure 6-4. Brush Strokes for LetteringFigure 6-5. Lettering MethodSection III. PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE VINYL MARKERS (DECALS)TemperatureFigure 6-6. Applying Adhesive Vinyl Markers (Decals)Figure 6-7. Letter or Numeral ApplicationDESCRIPTION AND PURPOSEPROCEDURETM-43-0139_110Figure 6-8. Pouncing Techniques (Sheet 3 of 3)Section V. SILK SCREEN PRINTING PROCESSFigure 6-9. Silk Screen ProcessSPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONSPrinting or Reproducing.Facts Pertinent to the Silk Screen Printing Process.APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-43-0139_117APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-43-0139_118APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-43-0139_119APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-43-0139_120APPENDIX B NSN TABLESTable B-2. Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, Chemical Agent Resistant (CARC) 2-Component (Topcoat) MIL-C-46168 Type II (Cont'd) - TM-43-0139_122Table B-2. Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, Chemical Agent Resistant (CARC) 2-Component (Topcoat) MIL-C-46168 Type II (Cont'd) - TM-43-0139_123Table B-2. Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, Chemical Agent Resistant (CARC) 2-Component (Topcoat) MIL-C-46168 Type II (Cont'd) - TM-43-0139_124Table B-4. Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, Chemical Agent Resistant (CARC) Single Component (Topcoat) MIL-C-53039Table B-5. Epoxy Coating (Interior) MIL-C-22750Table B-6. Non-CARC CoatingsTable B-7. PrimersTable B-10. THINNER, MIL-T-81772Table B-12. WOOD SEALERSAPPENDIX C COLORS FOR ARMY MATERIELTable C-3. Army Aircraft and Surveillance DronesTable C-4. Railroad Equipment-ContinuedTable C4. Railroad Equipment-ContinuedTable C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_135Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_136Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_137Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_138Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_139Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_140Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_141Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_142Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_143Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_144Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_145Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_146Table C-5. Vehicles, Construction Equipment, and Materials Handling Equipment-Continued - TM-43-0139_147Table C-6. Missiles, Heavy Rockets, and Related Ground Support Equipment for Missile SystemsTable C-7. Communications-Electronic Equipment1Table C-7. Communications-Electronic Equipment-ContinuedTable C-7. Communications-Electronic Equipment-Continued ITEM NO EQUIPMENT COLOR PLACEMENT 17. Electronic-communication shelters (see TB 43-0118): a. Configured (Shelter includes internally mounted equipment) Three-color MIL-C-46168 or MIL- C-53039 camouflage pattern Exterior surfaces and doors which may become exterior surfaces during operational use Semigloss Green 24533 conforming to MIL-C-22750 Interior surfaces (walls, floors, doors except above and 11 fittings) White 27875 or green 24533, conforming to MIL-C-22750 Ceiling b. Nonconfigured (Bare shelter) Lusterless Green 383 (34094), MIL-C-46168 or MIL-C-53039 Exterior surfaces, and doors which may become exterior surfaces during operational use Semigloss Green 24533 conforming to MIL-C-22750 Interior surfaces (walls, floors, doors, except above and fittings) White 27875 or green 24533, conforming to MIL-C-22750 Ceiling NOTES Markings may be adhesive backed markers or paint conforming to color requirements 18. Unit identification Lusterless Black 37030, MIL-C- 46168 or MIL-C-53039 As prescribed in applicable DA technical publication NOTE NOTE 1 Communications-electronic equipment already in use, or that purchased as a nonmilitary item direct from commercial stocks, need not be painted in accordance with this table if the color does not adversely affect equipment operation or the tactical situation. This will hold true particularly in the case of equipment that is housed in shelters, aircraft, vehicles, or vessels. NOTE 2 Do NOT paint radiating elements, reflectors, radomes, wave guides and insulators until special approval is obtained from the design activity, or unless item(s) are known to have been painted previously with CARC. C-21 Table C-8. Bridging EquipmentTable C-8. Bridging Equipment-ContinuedTable C-9. Other MaterielTable C-9. Other Materiel--ContinuedTable C-9. Other Materiel-ContinuedAPPENDIX D CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIXTable D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_158Table D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_159Table D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_160Table D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_161Table D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_162Table D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_163Table D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_164Table D-1. CARC PAINT PLANNING MATRIX - TM-43-0139_165GLOSSARY - TM-43-0139_166GLOSSARY - TM-43-0139_167GLOSSARY - TM-43-0139_168GLOSSARY - TM-43-0139_169