TM 43-0139
Fire and Explosion Hazard Data. This informs the paint user about the flash point of the product, special fire
fighting procedures, and the extinguishing media.
Health Hazards. Personnel should be familiar with emergency and first aid procedures as outlined in the product's
M SDS. This includes medical procedures to be followed if the product is inhaled, or if the product has come in contact
with the skin or eyes of an individual.
Personal Protection.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) used in conjunction with respiratory protection equipment (para 1-7b)
during spray-painting includes cloth coveralls, eye protection, and head coverings. Cloth gloves are suitable unless
cellosolve acetate (2-ethoxyethyl acetate) is present in the paint, solvent, or primer. When this solvent is present, silicon
rubber gloves are recommended. Spot painters applying paint by brush or roller must wear work clothing and gloves
affording full skin coverage. Persons who clean mixing and painting accessories should wear full PPE to preclude solvent
absorption and defatting of the hands caused by the thinner.
If a solvent with a skin notation is being used, then impervious gloves must be used. Barrier creams are
useful in preventing paint from adhering to the skin and in combating the "dryness" associated with the defatting action of
most solvents; however, their usefulness in preventing the absorption of solvent through skin is not documented. Solvents
must never be used to remove paint/coating from the skin.
Work clothing should be provided. After completing painting or sanding operations, hygienic showers
should be taken prior to changing into street clothing.
Respiratory Protection.
Prior to beginning any painting operation, preventive medicine/industrial hygiene
personnel must be contacted. Painting materials can cause serious health
problems if used improperly or without adequate respiratory protection.
Before beginning painting operations, contact local preventive medicine/industrial hygiene personnel, who
will determine minimum respiratory protection requirements in accordance with TB MED 514. Depending on method of
application and facilities available, some sort of respirator will probably be required.
Levels of exposure to contaminants will be documented by preventive medicine/industrial hygiene
personnel. Additional monitoring is required whenever there has been any change in the operation which could result in
new or additional exposures.
Ventilation. The use of respiratory protection equipment does NOT waive the requirement for engineering control
measures. The ventilation design specifications for spray paint booths are in TB MED 514.
Preferred Coatings. Whenever available, lead-and chromate-free coatings should be used.
Warning Labels. Warning labels are required on products which contain materials hazardous to your health.
Read these warnings.
Medical surveillance to detect adverse health effects will be determined by the installation medical authority (IMA) based
on the specific constituents of the coating. In general, medical surveillance is required for anyone who works more than
30 days per year in either a paint spraying operation or in a brush or roller application when respiratory protection is
required. Personnel involved in painting at direct support, general support, and depot levels of maintenance will normally
require surveillance. Vehicle/equipment operators and unit maintenance section personnel usually do not perform enough
brush touch-up painting to warrant medical surveillance.