TM 43-0139
Color - should conform to specification requirements.
If paint meets criteria in (a) through (g), shelf life may be extended by 50%. For example, a paint with a self
life of 1 year could be extended six months if it passes inspection above.
For further information about CARC paint inspection, testing and shelf life extension, write to: Commander,
U.S. Army Belvoir Research, Development and Engineering Center, ATTN: STRBE-VO, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-5606.
General. Enamels are pigmented finishing materials that, in general, dry to a hard gloss, semigloss, or lusterless
finish. The nonvolatile vehicles in enamels may be oils, natural or synthetic resins, soluble cottons, or their combinations.
For CARC enamels, refer to para 2-31d.
Walkway Compound, Nonslip and Walkway Matting, Nonslip (MIL-W-5044).
Characteristics. This enamel provides a very coarse, gritty coating, similar to coarse sandpaper. It is to be
applied over any previously painted or primed surface, including surfaces previously painted with CARC, alkyd, or enamel.
Use. A heavy coating is to be applied on surfaces that might become wet in order to provide a more secure
footing. For painting tank turret floors, a heavy coating of white enamel is to be used.
Application. When brushing, apply as issued or thin to not more than 5 percent by volume. If enamel is to
be sprayed, thin to 15 percent by volume. Use thinner specified by the manufacturer. The enamel can also be trowelled
on; apply as issued. The thickness of the coating should be from 1/32 to 1/16 of an inch to insure retention, with maximum
durability, and nonskid properties. For tactical equipment, apply compound over CARC primer, and apply CARC topcoat
cover compound; for non-tactical equipment, do not apply CARC topcoat over the compound.
Enamel, Synthetic, Gloss (T-E-489).
Characteristics. This is a high-gloss, air-drying, alkyd-resin base enamel, with excellent weather-resistant
properties. It is flexible and has satisfactory gloss and color retention.
Use. This enamel is used on exterior and interior metal surfaces, particularly on smooth exterior surfaces.
The main use of the enamel is for refinishing automobiles. For this purpose, it should be noted that when alkyd enamels
of this type are applied to steel surfaces, the bare or phosphatized steel should first be given a priming coat with an oxide,
zinc-chromate alkyd, or priming surfacer.
Application. Apply as issued when brushing on; thin in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions
when spraying. The enamel dries hard in 8 hours and dries through in 48 hours. It is ready for recoating after 24 hours of
Enamel, Synthetic, Lusterless (7T-E-527).
Characteristics. This is a combination air-drying and baking enamel with an oil-modified, alkyd-resin base.
It has satisfactory weather characteristics with regard to chalking, fading, and color changes, but because of film porosity,
the enamel is applied in a finish system requiring the use of a corrosion-inhibiting primer.
Use. Apply the enamel over a primer when weathering conditions are encountered. Use as a two-coat,
lusterless, alkyd finish for both general use and on the outer surfaces of optical instruments.
Application. When brushing on, thin to a ratio of not more than 5 parts of thinner to 95 parts of paint. When
spraying, thin to a ratio of not more than 15 parts of thinner to 85 parts of paint.
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