Figure 2-1. Vacuum Pump
TM 5-6640-212-14
(4) Open the intake to the vacuum system.
2-4. Air Compressor
(5) To eliminate water and other condensed
vapors from forming in the pump, open the vented
a. Description.
The air compressor (fig. 2-2) is a
exhaust valve by loosening the knurled lockring and
two-cylinder, single-stage, air-cooled compressor
turning the valve stem one full turn counterclockwise;
connected by a V-Belt and pulleys to an electric motor.
then tighten lockring.
(6) To shut down the vacuum pump, close the
base. The base is mounted above the vertical air tank.
pump intake; then place the vacuum pump circuit
The vertical air tank, with the required interconnect and
breaker in the OFF position. Bleed in air through the
supply piping, completes the air compressor utility
system. The complete setup is located in the left front
corner of the utility compartment.
(7) If the pump is going to be out of service for a
prolonged period, drain the oil and fill with new Duo-Seal
oil or equivalent to prevent the possibility of corrosion.