Figure 2-26. Oxidation Stability Bath
stalled) device used to provide a continuous record of
(d) Rotate the chart hub until the proper time arc
test results obtained form the bombs used in the
is indicated by the time set pointer.
oxidation stability bath. The range is from zero to 200
poungs (90.8 kg/sq cm) pressure per square inch, with
an accuracy rating of 0.5 percent of full scale. One
The time set pointer and the pen
complete revolution around the circular chart is
point register on the same time arc.
equivalent to 24 hours.
(e) Close and latch the gage door; the pen lifter
b. Operation.
is automatically lowered to place the pens on the chart.
(1) Changing Chart.
(2) Inking pens.
(a) Put a small drop of ink in the pen, at the tip,
pen lifter.
and wet the tip with ink.
(b) Touch the pen to the chart; if light pressure
(b) Pull outward on the chart hub; it will collapse
does not start the flow of ink, draw a moistened finger or
into itself, leaving the chart free to be removed.
piece of paper across the tip.
(c) Insert a new chart. Push in on the chart hub
(c) After starting, add no more ink than is
to engage the chart.
considered necessary for the test.