TM 5-6640-212-14
maintained to plus or minus 1 degree F (-17 degrees C)
(2) Fill the bath to the required level with water or
within the range of 75 degrees F to 200 degrees F (24
light oil.
degrees C to 93 degrees C). A motorized stirrer
(3) Set the thermo regulator as required and apply
provides efficient circulation. The center of the cover has
power to the apparatus.
a fitted 1000-milliliter graduated cylinder of specified
(4) Place both the line switch and the auxiliary heat
dimensions. A rubber stopped supports the diffusion
switch in the ON position.
stone assembly (stored in drawer C2, figs. 1-2 and B-9)
(5) In a low-temperature test, place the auxiliary
which is connected to a calibrated flowmeter with a
heat in the OFF position when the test temperature is
needle valve for maintaining an air flow rate of 94
milliliter plus or minus 5 milliliter per minute.
(6) In a high temperature test, leave the auxiliary
Thermoregulator used with the apparatus is stored in
heat switch in the ON position after the test temperature
drawer C5 (fig. B-9).
is reached.
b. Operation.
(7) Refer to ASTM Method D892 (TM 10-1166) for
(1) Set the bath on the counter.
detailed testing procedures.
TS 6640-212-14/2-33
Figure 2-33. Dry Ice Machine