TM 5-6640-212-14
above. Recheck the sensitivity. If required, readjust the
sensitivity, set the zeropoint, and recheck. Continue the
Refill the manometer reservoir with
sequence until the balance is correctly adjusted.
3-17. Distillation Test Apparatus.
(4) for instructions on filling
a. Inspection. Visually inspect condition of switches,
c. Troubleshooting. The operator should be guided
breakage. Inspect power cord for defective insulation.
by the following chart (table 3-8) in diagnosing and
Inspect viewing glass for breakage, and overall unit for
correcting operating difficulties.
3-20. Pressure Recording Gage.
b. Cleaning. Use a clean cloth and a mild soap and
a. Inspection. Inspect to see that ink is not overfilled
water solution to clean the interior and exterior of the
and pen point is clear to write.
distillation apparatus.
b. Cleaning. Remove the pen from the pen arm.
3-18. Reid Vapor Pressure Bomb Bath.
Swab the pen with a pipe cleaner and fresh ink or water.
a. Inspection. Inspect the thermoregulator closely for
Do not use a knife on the pen point. Replace the pen
presence of gas bubbles in the mercury column. If
bubbles or separation of mercury in column exist, heat
c. Calibrating. The pressure recording gage should
the bulb gently until bubbles are driven up into the
be calibrated by pneumatic means only. The simplest
expansion chamber. Cool slowly to form a solid column
way of testing pneumatically is by using the manometer,
without bubbles or separation.
provided in the mobile laboratory, in a test configuration
b. Cleaning. Wipe all components with a clean, damp
similar to that shown in figure 3-6. For operation of the
c. Lubricating. Oil the stirrer motor approximately
3-21. Refractometer.
every 4 months, using a good grade of light machine oil
a. Inspection. Visually inspect conditions of switches,
controls and lines for malfunctions or breakage. Inspect
d. Calibrating
power cord for defective insulation.
thermoregulator in the bath. Bring the bath temperature
refractometer for drippings, or direct spillover of material.
up to 96 degrees F to 98 degrees F (35.6 degrees C to
b. Cleaning.
36.7 degrees C), rotate the microset magnetic coupler
(1) Clean all exterior surfaces thoroughly at the
until the indicator light on the control box is extinguished.
close of each day's work.
Rotate the magnetic coupler until the indicator light is on.
(2) Clean prisms immediately after use.
Continue making minor adjustments until the bath
3-22. Dry Ice Machine.
temperature is maintained at the desired temperature,
a. Inspection. Inspect the copper tubing connection
100 degrees F + or- .2 degrees F (37.8 degrees C + or-
for corrosion or leaks.
1.12 degrees C). e. Troubleshooting. The operator
b. Cleaning. Use a clean, damp cloth for cleaning
should be guided by the following chart (table 3-7) in
interior and exterior of machine.
diagnosing and correcting operating difficulties.
c. Adjusting. Safety valves are factory set and should
3-19. Manometer.
not be adjusted.
a. Inspection. Inspect scale for cracks or leaks and
3-23. Utility Bath.
replace if defective.
a. Inspection. Inspect the bath for leaks. Should
b. Cleaning. The normal maintenance necessary with
leaks develop beneath the bath, tighten either the
the manometer is an occasional cleaning of the glass
compression fittings at heater terminals or at thermostat
tube, where deposits of oxidized mercury have collected
plug in the center of the underside.
on the interior surface. Drain the mercury and remove
b. Cleaning. Clean exterior with a damp cloth and
the top and bottom plugs on the tube. A suitable brush
wipe dry. Wipe first with clean, dry lens, tissue, and then
with either naphths or acetone moved rapidly up and
wipe with a tissue or cotton dampened with water,
down in the tube will clean the tube efficiently.
alcohol, or other solvent