TM 5-6640-212-14
TS 6640-212-14/3-8
Figure 3-8. Cartridges, Detail Installation
(3) Turn on regulator valve.
3-28. Armored High Pressure Purge Meter.
Description. The armored high pressure purge meter (6,
fig. 2-10) is
used in
the high- pressure steam boiler lines
Water regulator valve must be
which feed steam to the gum bath. The high pressure
adjusted to approximately 10 gph
purge meter is a flow rate measuring instrument
flow to get maximum life out of
especially designed for use at elevated pressures and
However higher flow
temperatures. The flow rate is measured by the
rates up to 30 gph can be used, but
movement of a tapered plug within a fixed orifice. A
with reduced water purity.
magnet is imbedded in the plug within the extension
tube. On the out-side of this tube is a lightweight sleeve
Cartridges should be kept away from
type follower which moves in response to the plug
heat and the seals should not be
position. It is held in permanent bond to the plug position
removed until ready for use. The
by the flex-force of the magnet imbedded in the plug
exchange capacity will be greatly
reduced if the resins are allowed to
dry completely. Resins shrink due to
moisture loss and the cartridge may
not appear full.
The resins will
expand when wet and will fill the