TM 5-6640-212-14
(15) Install pipe plug (3), if removed.
(16) Assemble bellofram (16), piston (15), and
Be sure gum bath has had time to cool
body (14) onto pump cover, secure with screws (12) and
before performing any maintenance.
lockwashers (13).
Steam temperature as high as 600
(17) Install a new pin seal (11) onto pin (10) and
degrees F (279.9 degrees C) can be
obtained in this unit.
insert into body.
(18) Place new cover seal (7) into groove in valve
(2) Remove power to high and low pressure steam
cover (16) and insert spring into cover.
(19) Place check valve (9) over pin (10) and
carefully install cover and spring over it, secure with
pipes of any steam or water.
(4) Remove all five gooseneck tubes located on top
(20) Attach oil intake tube, sleeve and fitting to oil
of gum bath.
(5) Open union and compression fitting above gum
(21) Attach cylinder heads to cylinders and secure
with capscrews (32). Torque capscrews as listed in table
(6) Carefully remove thermoregulator lines going to
high pressure boiler control unit and to pyrometer.
(22) Attach manifold (5, fig. 5-18) to cylinder heads
and install new gaskets (3), attach with capscrews (1)
and lockwashers (2). Install pipe plug (4) into manifold
Be sure not to kink or make a sharp bend
(5), if removed.
on these lines, kinks or sharp bends will
destroy them for future use.
hardware. Check the pulley and flywheel alignment by
placing a straightedge against the compressor flywheel
(7) Remove contents and drawer under gum bath, (fig.
as shown in figure 5-26. Measure the distance from the
5-28) then remove attaching bolts, washers and nuts
straightedge and the center of the drive belt grooves at
securing gum bath to countertop.
point A, B, and C. The distance should be the same at
all points. To correct misalignment:
(a) Loosen the setscrew in the motor drive
If the gum bath is to be removed from
the countertop two people will be
(b) Move pulley toward or away from the
required to handle it due to its weight,
motor as necessary.
approximately 160 lbs (71 kg).
(c) Tighten the setscrew.
(24) Install matched set of drive belts onto flywheel
(8) Remove any water that might be in gum bath,
and motor pulley. Adjust drive belt tension so that there
then turn both on its side to gain access to switches,
is one inch play on belt midspan with a 10 pound load
relay or heaters. Be sure to tag all wires before removal.
applied. Tighten motor mounting hardware.
Refer to figure 5-30, schematic diagram as an aid to
(approximately 7/8 qt.).
b. Installation. Installation is basically the reverse of
(26) Install discharge and suction valves into cylinder
removal. 5-8. Vacuum Pump.
head and attach lines and fitting. Torque valves as noted
a. Cleaning Filter. The vacuum pump is equipped with
an air filter screen. It is located below the pump intake
(27) Attach air filter to compressor.
port and acts as a trap for solids, which can cause
damage to the pump. Unless the screen has been
5-7. Gum Bath.
damaged, the filter may be removed and cleaned as
a. Removal.
(1) Turn off power to the pump.
(2) Remove the intake cover.
(1) Remove electric power to gum bath by opening
circuit breaker to gum bath.