TM 5-6640-212-14
5-10. Hot Plate.
If the belt is too tight, it will cause
excessive wear on the pump. If it is too
a. Disassembly.
loose, it will slip, reducing the pump
efficiency and cause excessive belt
(1) Turn hot plate over and remove inspection
cover and bottom shell by removing attaching screws
5-9. Distillation Test Apparatus.
outlet check line cord, and heater elements for continuity
a. Repair of the distillation test apparatus is limited to
(2) Repair or replace any defective parts found
during disassembly.
(1) To gain access to components located in the
bottom inside area of the apparatus, the unit must be
Do not replace high temperature wire
empty of any water, and power disconnected.
used in power cord with standard
(2) Remove drawers that are directly under
extension wire. Intense heat will short
out wiring.
(3) Turn apparatus on its side with bottom facing
forward, and proceed with the following steps for removal
b. Assembly of the hot plate is the reverse of
of items as follows:
disassembly, refer to figure 5-35 for wiring information on
(a) Power Switch. Press spring clips on sides of
the hot plate.
switch and push out. Tag wires as to location then
remove from switch.
5-11. Reid Vapor Pressure Bomb Bath.
(b) Auto Transformer. Remove knob attached to
a. Repair. To replace the heater, disconnect the
and removing. Remove attaching nut on transformer
power cord and drain the bath. Remove clamp holding
shaft. Push shaft and auto transformer into center of unit
the heater to the bottom of the bath. Remove the
until shaft is clear of housing. Remove and tag wiring
terminal canopy and cap and wire from both legs of the
from auto transformer for ease of assembly.
heater. Remove the mounting block and heater from the
(c) Observation Window. Remove four attaching
bath. Pull the heater from the mounting block. Using the
screws, washers and nuts, then remove window ring and
old heater as a pattern form the new heater and install by
reversing the above procedure. If the bath is equipped
(d) Heater Board. Carefully lift board out of
with a removable control panel, remove the front panel
apparatus and turn it on its side, remove heavy leads
screws and pull out the control chassis to gain access to
which are secured to under side of heater board with
the electrical system. On older units not equipped with
removable control panel it will be necessary to
b. Assembly. Assembly is basically the reverse of
completely drain the bath and turn the entire bath on its
disassembly. Refer to schematic diagram (fig. 5-33) for
side to service the electric system. Refer to figure 5-36
any wiring data required.
for wiring information.
troubleshooting procedures on the Reid vapor pressure
bomb bath.