TM 9-2510-247-13&P
0031 00
g. Fluid Leakage. It is necessary for you to know how fluid leakage affects the status of your
fifth wheel towing device. The following are definitions of the types/classes of leakage you
need to know to be able to determine the status of your equipment. Be familiar with them, and
remember - when in doubt, notify your supervisor.
Leakage Definitions of PMCS
Class I
Leakage indicated by wetness or discoloration, but not great
enough to form drops.
Class II
Leakage great enough to form drops, but not enough to cause
drops to drip from the item being checked/inspected.
Class III
Leakage great enough to form drops that fall from the item being
Operation is allowable with Class I and Class II leakage. WHEN IN
DOUBT, NOTIFY YOUR SUPERVISOR. When operating with Class I
or Class II leaks, check fluid levels more frequently. Class III leaks
must be reported immediately to your supervisor. Failure to do this
will result in damage to vehicle and/or components.
0031 00-3