TM 9-2510-247-13&P
0091 00
Prime Mover
Authorized Towed Vehicles
Gross Combination Weight
Rating (GCWR)
* M915, A1, A2,
105,000 lbs.
M915s, M818, M931 and M932 Models,
47,641 kg
A3, A4
FMTV Series, PLS Series, M1070
120,000 lbs.
M915s, M916s, M818, M931 and M932
54,446 kg
Models, FMTV Series, PLS Series, M1070
120,000 lbs.
M915s, M916s, M920, M931 and M932
54,446 kg
Models, FMTV Series, PLS Series, M1070
59,589 lbs.
M911, M915s, M916s, M920, M818, M931 and
27,036 kg
M932 Models, FMTV Series, PLS Series,M1070
59,742 lb
M911,M915s,M916s,M920,M818,M931 and M932
Models,FMTV Series,PLS Series, M1070
57,665 lbs.
M818, M931 and M932 Models, M915,
26,164 kg
FMTV Series, M1070
80,775 lbs.
M1088 (FMTV)
M911, M915s, M916s, M920, M818, M931 and
36,649 kg
M932 Models, FMTV Series, PLS Series, M1070
120,000 lbs.
M911,M915s M916s,M920,M818,M931 and M932
54,446 kg
Models, FMTV Series, PLS Series, M1070
100,000 lbs
M911,M915s,M916s,M920,M818,M931 and M932
45,372 kg
Models,M983,FMTV Series,PLS Series, M1070
* Special Connection PLS with M915 located in
WP 0010 00.
0091 00-2
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