TM 9--2520--215--340089 00--1ILLUSTRATED LIST OF MANUFACTURED ITEMS0089 00SCOPEThis work package includes complete instructions for making items authorized to be manufactured or fabricated atDirect Support and General Support maintenance level. A part number index is provided for cross--referencing theitem to be manufactured to the figure which covers fabrication criteria. All bulk materials needed for manufacture ofan item are listed in a tabular list on the illustration.ITEM NOITEM NAMEQUANTITYSIZE (inches)MATERIAL1Plate28.00 X 8 00 X 0.250Steel2Channel23.00 X 2.00 X 0.250 X 17.5 LgSteel3Channel23.00 X 2.00 X 0.250 X 3 LgSteel4Bar21.500 X 4.00 ’ LgSteelFigure 1 Transmission Assembly and Disassembly Table
Integrated Publishing, Inc. - A (SDVOSB) Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business