TM 9-4910-663-34
Reverse the procedures of steps (1) through (4) to install the replacement switch.
3-11. LOAD BANK (fig 2-10)
Description. The load bank is a subassembly of the load bank assembly. It consists of resistive elements that
serve as loads to external components that are tested on the test stand. Repair consists of testing to isolate a defective
element, and removal and replacement of the defective element. Testing can be accomplished with the load bank
installed in the test stand; the load bank must be removed from the test stand and load bank assembly for removal and
replacement of a defective element. Refer to paragraph 2-17.
Testing of Load Bank Elements.
Disconnect main power from the test stand.
Remove the panel retaining hardware from the upper rear panel of the test stand, and remove the upper
rear panel.
Set all LOAD SELECTION switches on the control panel to the OFF position.
Remove the panel retaining hardware from the sides and front of the control panel of the test stand, raise
the control panel, and secure it in the up position with the lock bolt.
Using an ohmmeter, measure the resistance between the common bus bar of the load bank and the
terminal of each element. The resistance of each element should be 1.14 ohms ±5%.
Removal and Replacement of Load Bank Element.
Remove the load bank in accordance with instructions in paragraph 2-17.
Remove the 10 10-32 nuts, lockwashers, and flat washers that secure the bus bar of the load bank, and
remove the bus bar.
Remove the defective load bank element, remove the female insulator from each end of the element, and
remove the element and its male insulator from within the load bank.
Install the replacement element by reversing the procedures of steps (1) through (3).
Change 1 3-23