TM 9-4910-663-34(7)Make certain that DC VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY 0-32 VDC control (T5, fig 2-7) is set fullycounterclockwise.(8)Set D.C. VARIABLE VOLTS switch (S10) to the ON position, and adjust DC VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY0-32 VDC control (T5) to provide a 5 volt indication on DC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE meter (M2).(9)Check to see that the external DC voltmeter and AC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE meter (M6) bothindicate approximately 5 volts.(10)Set AC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE switch (S27) to the X2 position, and check to see thatAC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE meter (M6) indicates approximately 5 volts.(11)Repeat steps (1) through (3).(12)Leave the external DC voltmeter connected as in step (4).(13)Connect a test lead between the positive DC VARIABLE VOLTS OUTPUT binding post and theALTERNATOR (T1) binding post, and connect a second test lead between the negative DC VARIABLE VOLTS OUTPUTbinding post and the ALTERNATOR (T3) binding post.(14)Set AC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE SELECT switch (S28) to the CIRCUIT T1-T3 position.(15)Make certain that DC VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY 0-32 VDC control (T5) is set fully counterclockwise.(16)Set circuit breaker switch (CB1) and D.C. VARIABLE VOLTS switch (S10) to the ON position. Adjust DCVARIABLE POWER SUPPLY 0-32 VDC control (T5) to provide a 5 volt indication on DC VOLTMETER OUTPUTVOLTAGE meter (M2).(17)Check to see that the external DC voltmeter and AC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE meter (M6) bothindicate approximately 5 volts.(18)Repeat steps (1) through (3).(19)Leave the external DC voltmeter connected as in step (4).(20)Set AC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE SELECT Switch (S28) to the CIRCUIT T2-T3 position.(21)Connect a test lead from the positive DC VARIABLE VOLTS OUTPUT binding posts to the ALTERNATOR(T2) binding post, and connect a second test lead from the negative DC VARIABLE VOLTS OUTPUT binding post to theALTERNATOR (T3) binding post.(22)Make sure that DC VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY 0-32 VDC control (T5) is set fully counterclockwise.5-12
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