Bad Patterns - Heavy at bottom or top.
Rotate air nozzle (71-02) 180 degrees. If the distortion follows the
air nozzle, then the problem is in the air nozzle.
To correct - Soak nozzle and air blow clean. Do not probe air
nozzle with anything harder than a wooden tooth pick.
If this
does not correct, replace with new air nozzle because chances are
that you have an out of round jet which is causing the problem.
If upon rotation of 180 degrees the distortion does not follow the
nozzle , then the problem is in the fluid tip (71-04-70).
To correct - Inspect tip - if it is cracked or dented, replace
because it will alwavs produce the same distortion. However, if it
is a case of dried paint on the inside or outside, a good cleaning
with a brush and solvent will remove, and the fluid tip will no
longer produce the distortion.
Bad Pattern - Split. fan (Hour glass effect)
Caused by excessive air pressure for the material to be sprayed.
To correct - Reduce pressure or narrow fan with 71-55X spray width
Splitting - Basically caused by air getting in the fluid stream.
To correct - Fluid tip (71-04-70) must be tight. Fluid needle
packing 71-11A must be tight.
If adequate tightening hinders travel
of fluid needle 71-03N, then replace packing 71-11A because it has
been allowed to become too dry.
Be sure that the fittings on the fluid are tight to the spray gun
as well as to the pressure vessel.