a. Remove as much of the polyglycol brake fluid
from the master cylinder as possible by absorbing the
One person is required for this method.
fluid with a clean lint-free rag.
a. Remove master cylinder cover and top-off the
master cylinder reservoir with BFS.
After step "a" and before step "b" insure
b. Fill the pressure filler bleeder with BFS.
vehicle brake pedal is not applied.
c. Install pressure bleeding adapter to the master
cylinder (insure that filler bleeder hose is disconnected).
b. Fill the master cylinder with BFS.
d. Reinstall the filler bleeder gage and pressurize the
c. Fill a clean suitable container which will provide
unit 20 to 30 P.S.I.
easy access to the master cylinder with BFS.
e. Bleed all air out of filler bleeder at the bleeder
screw on the gage and at the end of the filler bleeder
Bleeding should start with master cylinder
hose before connecting to pressure bleeding adapter.
(if bleed screw is provided), then to air-pack,
f. Connect filler bleeder hose to pressure bleeding
hydrovac, or air hydraulic unit (if applic
adapter on the master cylinder.
able) and then to all wheel cylinders starting
g. Bleed brake system.
with the wheel cylinder farthest from the
master cylinder.
d. Connect a clear flexible tube to the cylinder bleed
Bleeding should start with master cylinder
(if bleed screw is provided), then to air-pack,
valve being bled to observe when the cylinder is purged
hydrovac, or air hydraulic unit (if applic-
of polyglycol. The opposite end of the bleed tube must
be submerged in a clean container partially filled with
able) and then to all wheel cylinders starting
with the wheel cylinder farthest from the
master cylinder.
h. Connect a clear flexible tube to the cylinder bleed
Once the bleeding process begins, insure that
valve being bled to observe when the cylinder is purged
the master cylinder is topped-off as neces-
of polyglycol. Continue bleeding until all air bubbles
sary. Slowly pump the brake pedal when
and polyglycol brake fluid is flushed from cylinder and
bleeding. Never let brake pedal go all the
BFS is seen leaving the wheel cylinder.
way to the floor.
i. When BFS containing no air bubbles is seen leav-
e. Begin bleeding b y :
(1) One person will pump brake pedal until it
ing the wheel cylinder, close the bleeder screw.
j. Repeat steps "h" and "i" with all remaining wheel
feels firm and hold pressure on pedal.
(2) The second person will open the cylinder
cylinders until complete.
bleeder screw.
(3) As the fluid is bled, the brake pedal will slow-
While applying pressure to the vehicle brake
ly go to the floor and the person operating the brake
pedal, if pedal goes to the floor continuously
pedal will notify the person bleeding the fluid just be-
or if braking performance is unacceptable,
fore the pedal reaches the floor so the second person can
rebleeding entire vehicle system will be
close the bleeder screw. This will prevent any air or
other fluid from entering the cylinder being bled when
the brake pedal is released.
8. Manual Flush/Fill Method (alternate method).
(4) The cylinder will be bled until BFS having no
air bubbles is seen leaving the cylinder.
f . Repeat step "e" until all remaining cylinders are
Do not use solvents of any type to flush
brake system.
While applying pressure to vehicle brake
Two people are required for this method.
pedal, if pedal goes to the floor continuously
The Manual Method is to be used only when
or if braking performance is unacceptable,
a pressure filler bleeder and/or bleeding
rebleeding the entire system will be
adapters are not functional or available.