individual design drawing is given for each of five views
(11) Brown (kraft) paper for masking windshield,
of the vehicle: front, back, left side, top, and right side.
Pattern designs (or viewgraph projector
Detergent to clean vehicles.
transparencies) are to be obtained from the appropriate
Chalk for marking paint areas.
Training Aids Service Office (TASO). This may be
Steel wool or sandpaper.
located at the installation, or it may be the regional TASO
responsible for furnishing training aids support within the
area where installation is located. If pattern designs are
Compressed air source.
not maintained by the local TASO write to Commander.
Water separators and fittings with pressure
US Army Troop Support Command, ATTN: DRSTS-
MFT, to obtain assistance.
(18) Wrenches for spray guns.
e. All glass, grease fittings, and items which can be
Preparation for Pattern Painting. a. The first
damaged by paint must be masked with masking tape
step in pattern painting a vehicle is to clean thoroughly
and/or paper.
the surfaces to be painted. A clean vehicle is a must.
Applying paint to anything less than a totally clean
surface will result in rapid peeling, cracking, and scaling
Grease should not be used for
of the new coating.
masking because it can easily. be
smeared onto other parts of the
b. The vehicle must be cleaned with detergent
vehicle and prevent the paint from
or with solvent and rinsed thoroughly or steam cleaned to
insure a totally clean surface suitable for a durable
sticking to the smeared surface.
coating. Grease, oil, dirt, plastic letters and stars, all
loose and scaling paint, and paint other than the original
f. All white vehicle markings must be removed from
enamel (such as latex paints, etc., which may have been
the vehicle. This includes the stars, unit identification,
used to retouch as an expedient) must be removed.
instruction signs, and administrative markings. When
c. Sanding of rough areas to remove the oxidized
the vehicle is pattern painted only the following markings
surface from the old paint will also make the new paint
are applied.
job look better and last longer. If bare metal is exposed
(1) Unit identification. Type and location
following sanding and cleaning, a primer shall be applied
remain the same.
Color is changed to lusterless
to the bare metal before the camouflage alkyd enamel is
camouflage black.
applied. The primer should be allowed to dry hard before
(2) National symbol (star). All stars will be
the enamel is applied. The specification number for the
removed and replaced by a 3-inch black lusterless star
front and rear. Placement should be centered on
gallon container and 8010-00-515-2111 for a 5-gallon
vehicle, on line with unit ID markings. On the rear of
wheeled vehicles, star may be placed on tailgate.
d. The following items are needed for pattern
(3) Agency and registration number. Both
US Army and registration number will be removed from
(1) Vehicle or other item of equipment.
vehicle exterior. Registration number may be placed on
Pattern-painting design for the specific
a data plate or other suitable interior location.
vehicle or other item of equipment.
Safety and instructional markings.
(3) Spray guns.
Markings such as tire pressure and fuel type and fill level
may be retained in lusterless black letters no larger than
(4) Paint (camouflage alkyd enamel).
1-inch. Markings directly related to troop safety, such as
Thinners (xylene, mineral spirits, butyl
wrecker boom capacity and danger zones, must be
cellosolve, and cellulose nitrate).
evaluated by safety personnel.
(6) Mixing buckets.
Marking the Pattern on the Vehicle. After the
(7) Paint brushes. 1/2-inch, 1-inch, and 3-inch.
vehicle has been prepared, it is ready for pattern
application. Use only the printed pattern design (or
(8) Paddles or sticks to mix paint.
viewgraph projector transparency) obtained from the
(9) Painters' masks.
TASO for the vehicle. This pattern is outlined on the
(10) Masking tape for masking small items.
vehicle with chalk,
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