TB 43-0147
(2) Data plates.
To show empty weight,
temperature ranges, and other servicing data for the
vehicle, components or equipment installed.
maximum payload, and/or gross weight, weight on each
axle, and/or maximum towed load for highway and cross-
(4) Responsible agency plates. To show the
country; center of gravity empty and loaded, shipping
Commodity Command or agency responsible for the
cubage, overall and reducible dimensions, and other
procurement and/or maintenance of the vehicle or its
pertinent linear and angular dimensions.
chassis, body, and/or equipment.
(3) Servicing data plates. To show fuel capacity
(5) Publication plates. To show the manuals
and minimum octane, cooling system capacity, draining
(operator's, maintenance, and supply) and lubrication
instructions, tire pressures for terrain conditions,
order applicable to the vehicle.
e. Designation plates may be combined plates when
space conditions warrant.