TB 43-0147
Figure 2-7. Sign installed on sloping fender (slope angle exceeds 30 from vertical).
4. Install bracket to sign with two bolts
9. Drill an 11/32-inch hole in fender or
120741 (3/4 in. Ig), two washers 138538, and two nuts
splash shield to correspond with the hole in the altered
bracket and secure the bracket with one bolt (3/4 inch
long), one washer, and one nut. Figure 2-6 shows sign
5. Position the sign in the desired
location on the fender or splash shield. Bend short leg of
installed on sloping fender.
bracket, as required, to conform to the contour or slope
Instructions for unlocking and locking the
of fender.
retaining plate is as follows:
6. Using the short leg of the bracket as
(1) Unlocking retaining plate. With the thumb of
a template, drill two 11/32-inch holes in fender or splash
one hand, press down firmly on one stack of numeral
plates (fig. 2-8). With the other hand, press down gently
7. Attach the sign to the fender or
on the retaining plate and pivot the plate away from the
splash shield with two bolts (3/4 in. long), two washers
lock pin. To remove retaining plate completely, press
and two nuts.
down firmly on the remaining stack of numeral plates and
8. Secure the altered long universal
free retaining plate from the other lock pin.
bracket to the sign with one bolt (3/4 in. long), one
washer, and one nut. (Insert bolt in hole located
between two stacks of numeral plates on sign).