TB 43-0209
(10) Masking tape for masking small items.
(11) Brown
windshields, etc.
a. The first step in pattern painting an item is to
(12) Detergent to clean vehicles.
thoroughly clean the surfaces to be painted. Applying
(13) Chalk for marking paint areas.
paint to anything less than a totally clean surface will
(14) Steel wool or sandpaper.
result in rapid peeling, cracking, and scaling of the new
(15) Rags.
(16) Compressed air source, if applicable..
(17) Water separators and fittings with pressure
Check for cleanliness by the red
litmus or water break test before
(18) Wrenches for spray guns, if applicable.
applying CARC materials.
b. Clean with detergent or solvent and thoroughly
rinse or steam clean to insure a totally clean surface
a. The black bands, located at the visual center of
suitable for a durable coating. Grease, oil, dirt, markings,
each side in a pattern, are the key to the three-color
and all loose and scaling paint must be removed.
camouflage systems.
Reference TM 43-0139.
c. Sanding of rough areas to remove the oxidized
These bands must be in the correct place and must be
surface from the old paint will also make the new paint
the correct width.
job look better and last longer. If bare metal is exposed
following sanding and cleaning, apply an epoxy primer to
b. To ensure correct placement and width, each
the bare metal. The primer should be allowed to
pattern has between 10 and 25 critical reference points.
thoroughly dry before CARC is applied.
Critical reference points are based on fixed features on
d. All glass, grease fittings, and items which can be
the item and are reflected on the vehicle patterns in
damaged by paint must be masked with masking tape
Section VIII.
and/or paper.
c. All dimensions are listed in inches
Grease should not be used for
d. All dimensional tolerances are limited to +1.00
masking because it can easily be
smeared onto other parts of the
equipment and prevent the paint from
e. The right side view is the primary view of the
CPP drawings.
e. The following is a list of items needed for pattern
f. In the top view of the paint pattern drawings, the
horizontal is established as being from front-to-back
(1) Vehicle or other item of equipment.
along the longest dimension of the item.
(2) Pattern-painting design for the specific
vehicle or other item of equipment.
g. The edge of the band must be within one inch of
(3) Spray guns, if applicable.
a critical-location reference point and the pattern must be
(4) Paint.
no more than one inch wider or narrower than stated at a
(5) Thinners as required by TM 43-0139.
critical-width reference point The rest of the item will
(6) Mixing buckets.
mirror the camouflage pattern as much as possible.
(7) Paint brushes, 1/2-inch, 1-inch, and 3-inch.
(8) Paddles or sticks to mix paint.
h. Inspections will only be measured at reference
(9) Painters' masks.
points and will evaluate the overall effect at 50 feet. In
addition, overspray which can be discerned at 50 feet will
be considered sloppy painting and will be corrected.
i. Outlining the camouflage pattern can be done in
a variety of ways. Successful methods include freehand,