TB 43-0209
t. Do not waste paint by spraying beyond the item
Certain basic precautions are applicable to paint,
being coated.
varnish, enamel, and lacquer. The following should be
u. Do not paint over a moist or wet surface.
observed at all times:
v. Do not paint between the ground strap and hull
a. Do not paint over an unclean surface. Be sure all
of tanks.
dirt, rust, scale, etc., are removed.
w. Do not paint on operator-instruction plates.
b. Do not fail to stir paint thoroughly.
c. Do not mix one paint with another unless
instructed to do so.
The following precautions should be observed, in
d. Do not fail to follow instructions that appear on
addition to those listed in paragraph 31 above, when
containers, particularly those concerning safety, the
applying Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings (CARC):
addition of thinner, and the application instructions.
a. Spray 'nes for epoxy applications should not be
e. Do not apply paint or varnish unless the drying
used with polyurethane coatings without complete
conditions are satisfactory.
flushing or cleaning wit] solvents.
f. Do not paint in wet or extremely cold weather,
b. Test for cleanliness when applying CARC with
below 50' F (10' C).
the red litmus or war-r break test.
g. Do not apply abnormally heavy coats.
c. Remem3er to notify the local safety office and
h. Do not add too much thinner.
preventive medicine support activity prior to initial CARC
painting. This also applies to all spray painting
i. Do not use paint buckets, cans, paint rollers,
operations, regardless of the material used.
spray guns, or brushes which are not clean.
d. Do
not use CARC for items like manifolds and
j. Do not apply cold paints on varnishes.
mufflers that exceed 400' F. Do not use CARC on
k. Do not leave old paint and oil-soaked cloths
rubber, lacquer coatings, or vinyl.
laying around in the paint shop; they are a fire hazard.
e. Use silicon rubber (impervious), not cloth, gloves
l. Do not fail to clean brushes, paint rollers, and
when applying CARC.
spray guns immediately after using.
f. Only DS/GS General Support and Depot level
m. Do not smoke when painting. Do not smoke near
personnel are authorized complete painting and
paint storage areas or paint booths.
repainting of components with topcoats and primers. Unit
n. Do not release the tops of pressure-feed
and DS/GS Direct Support level personnel are only
material containers before releasing the air pressure.
pemitted to use topcoats and primers for touchup efforts.
o. Do not use electrical connections that show any
g. When using CARC, mix only the amount needed
inclination to becoming loose.
to do the job (i.e. don't open a large container for a small
p. Do not pour paint out of a container in a manner
job) because unused CARC must be disposed of and
that obscures the label.
cannot be stored.
q. Do not fail to strain paint before using, if
h. Epoxy-polyamide coatings build up thickness
CARC paints cannot be strained, however.
Thick films are detrimental for good adhesion. Do not
r. Do not fail to remove all traces of wax from
apply CARC beyond its thickness tolerances.
surfaces where paint or varnish is to be used.
s. Do not paint without proper respiratory
equipment and ventilation.
After the equipment has been pattern painted, only
the following markings are to be applied:
a. Unit identification.