TB 43-0209
Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment--Continued
Unit identification markings are divided into four elements arranged from left to right, as follows:
a. Major command, organization, or activity. The major headquarters having jurisdiction over the vehicle or
equipment, normally not lower than a division, brigade, group, or major subordinate.
b. Intermediate organization or activity. The next lower headquarters having jurisdication over the vehicles or
equipment, normally the headquarters above the unit to which the vehicle or equipment is assigned. This Includes
regiments, separate battalions, and separate companies or detachments not assigned to an Intermediate headquarters.
c. Unit or activity. The lowest unit or activity to which the vehicle is assigned, normally a company type unit. This
space may be used to Identify the type of separate company or detachment already Identified above.
d. Vehicle or equipment number, the sequence number of the vehicle or equipment In the normal order of march
within the unit to which It Is assigned.
Agency identification and
Colors specified on three-color
registration number:
camouflage drawings, but con-
trasting with color patch painted
a. Registration number
Colors specified on three-color
Any appropriate interior area
(Tactical wheeled vehicles).
camouflage drawings, but con-
which is visible from outside a
trasting with color patch painted
locked or secured item.
Lusterless Black 37030 MIL-C-
46168 or MIL-C-53039
b. (Non combat)
Exterior: Both sides and rear in
Combat Vehicles
uniform Gothic letters, no larger
than 4 inches high.
c. Agency identification; e.g.,
Lusterless Black 37037, MIL-C-
Markings will be uniform Gothic
"US ARMY", will be painted on
46168 or MIL -C-53039
style letters, the letters to be the
those vehicles, construction
largest size practical for use in
equipment and materials han-
available space, but not to ex-
dling equipment in nontactical
ceed 4 inches in height.
use, in Army units not subject to
Normally, agency identification
the Army camouflage policy,
will appear on both sides of each
and vehicles and equipment as
item of equipment.
identified in items 2, 3, 4a, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9, 10c, 12 and 13.
d. Mounted equipment.
Lusterless Black 37030, MIL-C-
May be applied when necessary.
46168 or MIL-C-53039