TB 43-0209
Colors For Vehicles, Construction Equipment and Materials Handling Equipment--Continued
Tactical markings (may consist
Any appropriate color
As prescribed by commanders
of stripes, geometrical figures,
of major Army commands; any
other simple designs, or naming
changes must be approved by
an individual vehicle). The mark-
these commanders.
ings will be used to provide a
more visible means of identify-
ing the vehicles of tactical units
by personnel of those units
during tactical operations. They
will be of a suitable size to
facilitate identification from the
ground or from a reasonable dis-
tance. They will be designed to
be as nearly unintelligible as
possible to enemy observation.
Under no circumstances will the
markings represent the numeri-
cal designation or distinctive in-
signia of any unit. Under actual
combat conditions, no written
record will be made, nor publish-
ed system of tactical markings
Priority signs (The signs will be
authorized by the area com-
mander. They are valid only
within the area under his jurisdic-
tion. Signs must not be dis-
played when vehicle is not
actually being used for a priority
mission and must be removed
when no longer required for that