analysis historical record. Prior to departure your unit should coordinate its oil analysis
requirements with the laboratory nearest its destination. Upon arrival at your destination, if your
1,000-mile interval has been reached, send an oil sample (and the component's oil analysis
historical record) to the new servicing laboratory.
Put a note in the remarks block of the DD Form 2026 or ULLS DA Form 5991-E stating that
your vehicle is on a mission away from its home station and that priority consideration is
requested in the analysis. The AOAP laboratory will provide you with an oil analysis record for
your deployed vehicle. This procedure should be reversed when returning to home base. The oil
analysis records should be turned in to your regular laboratory.
12-15. Q. Can the laboratory 'dead line' a vehicle?
A. A laboratory recommendation to remove equipment from service is administrative in
nature. The removal from service gives maintenance the chance to evaluate the condition of the suspect
component. The decision to deadline a vehicle is the responsibility of the unit commander.
12-16. Q. What happens if we do not comply with laboratory recommendations?
A. Laboratory recommendations are not made unless something serious appears to be wrong
with your equipment. Maintenance should make every effort to investigate the
potential problems noted in the AOAP test findings and review those findings with the unit
commander. It is possible you might lose an engine or have an aircraft system or
component/module failure and possibly increase the safety risk to equipment crews.
12-17. Q. Can the laboratory detect if maintenance is performed?
A. Yes. When the oil is changed, for example, the concentration of wear elements is cut
approximately in half for some components. When air induction system leaks are fixed, dirt
levels decrease. If several samples are taken from the same piece of equipment or from an oil
drum instead of from the equipment, resamples will be requested since the combination of wear
elements won't match previous samples.
12-18. Q. Are DA Forms 3254-R issued for resamples and oil changes.
A. No. DD Forms 2026 or ULLS DA Form 5991-E are used for this purpose.
12-19. Q. When are DA Forms 3254-R issued?
A. When maintenance actions are recommended such as to clean/service air filters,
inspect/repair fuel injection nozzles, inspect/repair engine and transmission assemblies, etc.
12-20. Q. What if an item of ground equipment has no hour meter? How do I schedule my
samples and report usage to the laboratory?
A. Use the formula, 10 miles or 16 kilometers = 1 hour of operation. For example, a
truck should be sampled every 90 days or 100 hours, you should sample every 90 days or 1,000
miles if there is no hour meter. (The sampling interval varies for different categories of