12-1. Q. How do I know if my equipment is enrolled in the AOAP?
A. If it is listed in this technical bulletin, or authorized by the PM, AOAP.
12-2. Q. If enrolled, what is the next step for submitting samples for my equipment?
A. Submit a sample and a completed DD Form 2026 or ULLS DA Form 5991-E to your
supporting laboratory.
12-3. Q. Can I sample equipment not listed in appendix A or B?
A. Only equipment/components listed in this technical bulletin, or other
equipment/components authorized by the PM AOAP, will be sampled. Exceptions to sampling
policy will be through letters of authorization from the PM, AOAP.
12-4. Q. Who should take the sample?
A. Anyone may take samples. For best results, a local SOP should provide for training and
designating of sampling teams at unit level.
12-5. Q. How much oil do I put in the sample bottle?
A. The bottle should be filled to the bottom of the neck (1/2 inch from top of bottle).
12-6. Q. Do I always have to take a routine sample at the scheduled date, hour, or miles?
A. You should always try to sample as near the prescribed interval as possible. If it is not
possible, a 10 percent variance prior to or after the schedule date, hour, or miles for sampling is
permissible for nonaeronautical equipment. For example, the engine in your M1074 is to be
sampled every 90 days. If this falls on 1 Apr, you may sample that component up to 9 days (10
percent of 90 days) prior to 1 Apr or up to 9 days after 1 Apr and still be within prescribed
12-7. Q. Is there a sampling interval variance for aeronautical equipment?
A. Yes. An example of aeronautical allowable tolerance is if the sampling interval is 25
hours, the allowable sampling range is 22-28 hours. When sampling hour intervals are performed
within the plus or minus allowable range, the schedule for the next sampling intervals will not be
affected. For example, a sample with a 25 hour interval, due at 100 aircraft hours and taken at 97
hours or 103, the next sample will still be due at 125 hours. However, when the plus or minus
range is exceeded, scheduling of the next sample will be affected. That is, a sample with the oil
analysis request is already filled out. This reduces the chance of submitting incorrect
management information to the laboratory. Always file your most recently processed DD Form
2026 or ULLS DA Form 5991-E, the one with laboratory results, and discard the previous one.
12-8. Q. Must I always take a "hot" sample?