10-1. AOAP Laboratory Service Locations.
a. The AOAP has 20 laboratories located at worldwide locations. Six of the
laboratories are located in CONUS, seven are in OCONUS, three are Depot labs, one is a
CEG-A lab, one is a joint Navy operated lab and 2 mobile laboratories are maintained by
the US Army National Guard on standby to be deployed to areas of contingency
operations. Additional laboratories shall be established as required.
b. In accordance with AR 700-132, Joint Oil Analysis Program (JOAP), Army
equipment may be tested in Navy and Air Force oil analysis program laboratories. Due
to the limitations of technology in some JOAP laboratories, PM AOAP will advise Army
units which JOAP laboratories have the appropriate technology and are approved to test
Army equipment. Inter-service oil analysis support will be limited to those joint service
laboratories to accomplish the necessary testing for Army equipment. Army laboratories
have the capability to test equipment from all military departments.
c. In CONUS mobile AOAP laboratories and selected (CONUS) laboratories are
limited to providing oil analysis only to selected command customers. Routine oil
analysis service is available at the following AOAP locations for the geographic areas
Fort Bragg, NC
North Carolina, Maine, Vermont, New
Hampshire, Massachusetts, Delaware,
Army Oil Analysis Lab
Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey,
XVIII Airborne Corps and Fort Bragg
New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Building Y5015, Door 59
District of Columbia, Virginia, South
P.O. Box 70539
Carolina and Florida
Fort Bragg, NC 28310
Fort Campbell, KY
Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana,
Petroleum Lab Fort Campbell
Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas,
4th Street and F Avenue
Mississippi, Louisiana and West Virginia
Building 7137
RBC Aviation Division
Fort Campbell, KY 42223-5128
Fort Carson, CO
Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South
Dept of The Army
Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Iowa, Utah,
DOL, ATTN: Oil Analysis Lab
Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri
2400 O'Connell Blvd
Bldg 8000 Door 44
Fort Carson, CO 80913-2526