8-3. Oil Analysis Recommendation and
Feedback; DA
Form 3254-R. AOAP laboratory
technicians initiate this form when they detect a potentially serious component problem.
a. AOAP laboratories will use this form to recommend performance of maintenance on oil-or
grease-lubricated components. The laboratory shall prepare and forward one copy of the DA
(1) The AOAP customer/unit submitting the oil sample for analysis.
(2) (AMSAM-MMC-AV-CCP) (STOP 55), 308 Crecy Street, Corpus Christi Army Depot,
Corpus Christi, TX 78419-5260 for Aeronautical components "ONLY".
(3) Army Oil Analysis Program Office, (AMXLS-MO), USAMC Logistics Support
Activity, Building 3661. Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-7466.
b. After the field unit or maintenance activity has accomplished the laboratory recommended
inspection or maintenance action, the unit completing the action shall complete the lower block
of DA Form 3254-R. Record what evaluation actions were taken, what problems were
discovered, and what maintenance actions were taken to return the equipment to service. Be as
specific and complete as possible in describing what action was taken. If a component was
removed and sent to a depot overhaul/rework facility, DA Form 3254-R shall accompany it.
c. Depot facilities shall record the results of teardown investigation, findings, and repairs
accomplished on the accompanying DA Form 3254-R (block 14). The completed form should
be returned to the originating AOAP laboratory and one copy should be forwarded to PM AOAP.
For aeronautical equipment, one copy should be sent to CCAD within five workdays of
completion of the maintenance action.
d. DA Form 3254-R may be locally reproduced on 8 " by 11" paper.
e. Feedback to the laboratory is essential to refine evaluation criteria, increase the accuracy of
laboratory predictions, and to recommend design changes in those major components showing an
abnormal failure rate through AOAP.
f. Instructions for completing DA Form 3245-R.
(1) through (11) To be completed by the laboratory technicians.
(12) No entry required.
(13) Record "aviation" QDR number prepared as a result of this maintenance
(14) Feedback.