(a) Explain any diagnostics performed, discrepancies found, and actions taken to return
the component to a serviceable condition.
(b) Include in this block the following information, when applicable, the Quality
Deficiency Report (QDR)/ Equipment Improvement Report (EIR) number and/or the
Maintenance Request (DA Form 2407) number.
(15) From. The Field Depot Maintenance representative preparing the report will enter
his/her signature in this block.
(16) Date. Enter the calendar date (DDMMMYY) the report was completed.
(17) To. Enter the address of AOAP regional laboratory. In addition, a copy of reports on
aviation equipment will be sent to Corpus Christie Army Depot (address on right side of block).
8-4. Maintenance Feedback Data. Success of the oil analysis program is measured with the
maintenance feedback information provided by the unit and maintenance activities. Maintenance
findings validate laboratory test `alarm' levels and indicators, thereby avoiding unnecessary
maintenance actions or equipment servicing. Establishment or refinement of normal and
abnormal wear-metal trending patterns is an ongoing process as the fleet matures and is
completely dependent on the correlation of test data with actual part conditions found in the
inspection of the engine, transmission, or other component at disassembly.
8-5. Maintenance Request, DA Form 2407 or DA Form 5990-E (ULLS).
a. When a Maintenance Request form is prepared to request support from a higher level of
maintenance for an AOAP recommended evaluation, attach the DA Form 3254-R, Oil Analysis
b. Enter "'See attached DA Form 3254-R" in the 'Remarks' block of the Maintenance Request.
c. Refer to DA Pam 738-750, DA Pam 738-751, or ULLS Manual for preparation and
disposition instructions.