(d) Use this block to explain reason for sample, when "other' in the Reason for Sample
block (para d(11) above)is selected, and any field maintenance performed since last sample that
may affect the laboratory evaluation.
(19) The reverse side of DD Form 2026 will be completed when the equipment deploys
away from home station and must have an oil sample analyzed enroute or service may be
provided by a non-automated oil analysis laboratory. When equipment historical data is
electronically transferred to an automated AOAP laboratory servicing the deployment site, the
reverse side of the form need not be filled out.
(20) Assigned Oil Analysis Laboratory. Enter the complete message address of
assigned support AOAP laboratory.
(21) Laboratory Telephone No. Self-explanatory.
(22) End Item Model/Serial No. Self-explanatory.
(23) Equipment Model/Serial No. Self-explanatory.
(24) Enter the last three analytical AOAP results in designated columns. If required,
the AOAP regional laboratory may be contacted for technical data and assistance.
(25) Date Departed. Home station will enter date aircraft departs on transient mission.
NOTE: Transient laboratories will enter subsequent analytical results and ensure DD Forms
2026 and DA Forms 5991-E are returned to home station with equipment. However, if the
equipment unit departs prior to completion of DD Form 2026 or DA Form 5991-E, it shall be
mailed to the home station.
8-2. Oil Analysis Log, DA Form 2408-20
a. A semi-permanent historical record of oil/grease samples taken and results of the laboratory
tests for all equipment components in the AOAP.
b. Each oil sample extracted from the component and the results received from the AOAP
laboratory will be recorded on DA Form 2408-20 (Refer to DA Pam 738-750 or DA Pam 738-
751 for preparation and disposition instructions) for both aviation and nonaeronautical
c. Unless directed by local requirements, AOAP participating units receiving and maintaining
OASIS laboratory reports with data normally listed on DA Form 2408-20, are not required to
maintain DA Form 2408-20.