AOAP - Army Oil Analysis Program
CCAD - Corpus Christie Army Depot
JOAP - Joint Oil Analysis Program
SOP - Standing Operating Procedure
ULLS - Unit Level Logistics System
AOAP Monitor. The organization or unit representative assigned to coordinate oil analysis
within the organization and with the regional AOAP laboratory.
Component. Within the AOAP, this term refers to all parts, major assemblies, and secondary
items enrolled in the oil analysis program for test and analysis.
Ferrography. An instrument and testing process which determines the size, shape, and type of
large wear metal particles being generated by a piece of equipment, to include the method of
wear (e.g.; spalling, rubbing, and cutting). Ferrography is used as the primary grease analysis
test and as a supplemental oil analysis test to analyze wear metals too large to be examined by
spectrometric analysis. Generally, these particles are large enough to be seen by the human eye
and may be indications of advanced stages of internal part wear.
Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR). An
analytical instrument used to
examine the physical
should be replaced.
Laboratory Analysis. Oil and grease analyses used to evaluate the internal condition of
engines, gearboxes, transmission, and other lubricated systems or components. It is a test or
series of tests that provide indications of equipment component condition by applying methods
of precision detection and quantitative measurement of wear metals and contaminants in oil
Laboratory Response Time. The AOAP standard interval of time that begins when the
laboratory receives the oil or grease sample and ends when the customer unit has been advised of
the test results. For aeronautical samples, the maximum laboratory response time is 24 clock
hours (one work day) and 72 clock hours (three work days) for nonaeronautical oil samples.
Oil Sample. A representative amount of grease or oil extracted from the enrolled equipment
component. Under special circumstances, a sample may be required from new source oil to