TB 43-0213
(c) Center outer framerails - holes H, J,
h. Rustproofing Underbody (M151 and M151A1)
and K.
(1) Insert long rigid tool into the front framerail
(d) Center inner framerails holes L, M,
holes A as far as possible and spray while slowly
and N.
withdrawing tool.
Rear crossmember - holes O, P, Q,
(2) Insert 90 degree short tool into the following
and R.
areas of the underbody and spray the rustproofing
compound in all directions:
Rear framerails - holes S, U, and T.
(a) Front framerails - holes B.
(g) Rear sill - holes V, W, and X.
(b) Front crossmember - holes C, D, E, F,
and G.
Holes 1 are the spring openings.
(c) Center outer framerails - holes H, J,
and K.
(2) Insert long rigid tool into the rear
(d) Center inner framerails - holes L, M,
suspension arm holes 1 as far as possible. Withdraw
and N.
slowly while spraying in all directions.
(e) Rear crossmember - holes O and P.
(f) Rear framerails - holes Q, R, and S.
Holes 2 are the shock absorber openings.
(g) Rear sill - holes T.
(3) Insert long rigid tool into the rear
(3) Insert long rigid tool as far as possible into
suspension arm holes 2 as far as possible. Withdraw
the rear sill hole U, then slowly withdraw tool while
slowly while spraying in all directions.
(4) Use short rigid tool to completely spray the
(4) Use short rigid tool to completely spray all
exterior underbody surfaces.
(5) Plug front crossmember holes D and F.
(5) Plug underbody holes A, U, F, and D.
i. Rustproofing Underbody (M151A2, M718, and
Holes Y are located in the sides of the
(1) Insert 90 degree short tool into the following
frame members.
areas of the underbody and spray the rustproofing
Holes Z are located under the rear
compound in all directions:
suspension arms.
(a) Front framerails - holes A and B.
(6) Insert flexible tool into rear frame sills Y
(b) Front crossmember - holes C, D, E, F,
and rear framerails Z and spray in all directions.
and G.