e. Epoxy plastics provide a superior repair for
breathing of glass dust particles.
Wash hands
thoroughly after working with Epoxy plastic
areas subject to vibration, mechanical shock and
b. Necessary tools are contained in the "Metal
Body Repairman" basic tool set 5180-357-7731 or
3. General.
All plastic repairs will be
c. Auto body and fender repairing calls for a high
accomplished at 3d echelon or higher.
degree of skill and proficiency with hand tools on the
Caution: Adequate, ventilation
part of the body repairman (MOS040-201
must be
Gloves, eye
shield and respirator must be used.
Silicosis could result from continued
Caution: Do not add solvents of any
4. Prepare the Surface. a. Bump out metal in
damaged area (fig. 1) with body hammer and hand dolly
type to Epoxy plastic. Keep cans
closed tight when not in use. Always
b. Remove all paint and rust from damaged area.
wear gloves when using Epoxy
Using a rotary grinder (fig. 2) with No. 36 grit disc, clean
plastic. Epoxy plastic that sets on
and roughen damaged area to the bare metal.
fingers or skin may lead to dermatitis.
c. File damaged area (using vixen blade) (fig. 3),
Removal is difficult and may have to
bring up and align all defects except those sharp dings
wear off. Do not use solvent or
that will be filled with Epoxy plastic.
d. Large holes (greater than /4i inch in any
dimension) should be welded (TM 9-237) or inserts in
Warming the
6. Preheat Surface Area.
form of metal backing secured with metal screws should
damaged area metal prior to application of Epoxy plastic
be used. Heads of metal screws must be below original
eases application and improves adhesion.
contour of area being repaired.
b. Two methods of heat application may be used.
(1) Heat lamps (fig. 5) 10-12 inches from repair
5. Preparing Epoxy Plastic. a. Different colors
area; time approximately 5 minutes. This is
in resin and hardener are incorporated to help attain a
the preferred method.
thorough mixture of the two materials. When thoroughly
Note. Always sand and clean the
mixed, the mixture will have a uniform color. Improper
repair area of rust, dust, and oil
mixture will cause soft spots, stains and irregular curing
of Epoxy plastic.
method is utilized.
b. Mix resin and hardener on clean non-absorbent
(2) "Flashing" the repair area with a torch
(fig. 6) for approximately 1015 seconds.
(1) Always use equal amounts of the resin and
This method should be used only when heat
lamps are not available. Never use this
(2) Due to the short pot-life (approximately 2
method on any van-type bodies.
hours) of the mixed Epoxy plastic, mix only
Warning: Due to possibility of
enough of the resin and hardener to
complete repair of the damaged area.
between the walls of a double-wall
(3) Care should be used in mixing to prevent air
van-body this method will not be
When thoroughly
mixed Epoxy plastic will not flow when
applied to a vertical surface.
7. Application of Epoxy Plastic. a. Apply Epoxy
plastic mixture with a putty knife (fig. 7) or rubber
squeegee. Apply in thin layers,
TAGO 6810A