squeezing it up and in repair area, Work the mixture
It is recommended that repair area be drawfiled to
back and forth to bond it to surface and shape to
blend contour of area.
contour of repair area allowing a slight hump for
finishing purposes.
10. Final Metal Finish.
Using a
vibrator sander (fig.
b. Each 1/ inch thickness must be set or cured
11) with 80
grit paper, sand the repair area feathering the
with heat before adding more Epoxy plastic.
edges to surrounding contours. All repaired sections
Note. Do not save unused mixture
must be smooth as all blemishes and irregularities are
emphasized when painted.
11. Area Clean Up. Acetone or Methyl-Ketone
8. Cure the Repair. Three methods for curing
solvents can be used to remove uncured Epoxy plastic;
Epoxy plastic may be used. The time required for curing
they can also be used for cleaning the equipment used.
each 1/ inch thick layer to a sandable hardness is as
12. Painting.
Sanded Epoxy plastic surfaces
a. Heat lamps at a distance of 10-12 inches (fig.
provide non-bleeding base for standard automotive paint
8) from the repaired area; time 7
minutes. This is
finishes. Clean, prime and paint in accordance with TM
preferred method. Heat lamps set closer than 10-12
9-2851 If possible, the underneath surface of the
inches may generate air bubbles resulting in pitting in the
damaged area should be painted and/or undercoated
repair area
after repair is completed.
b. Propane type torch, or equal; cool flame played
uniformly over the repaired area; time 60 seconds only
13. Additional Uses. a. Radiator leaks can be
(fig. 9). This method should be
used only when heat
lamps are not available, and never used on any van-type
repaired by external application of the plastic without
removal of the radiator.
c. Epoxy plastic may be cured in 720 air
b. Repairs to castings, casings or other containers
temperature; time 2 hours for each 1/4 inch thickness.
are easily and permanently accomplished with Epoxy
d. Care must be exercised in both heat methods of
plastic. Care should be exercised however to limit the
curing. Overheating results in overcuring and weakens
use of Epoxy plastic for repairs in which the Epoxy would
the adhesive bond of the Epoxy plastic. Testing during
be subjected to stresses or temperatures which are
curing may be accomplished by lightly scratching with a
beyond its capacity
sharp instrument. A deep scratch indicates that the
material in the repair area is not completely cured.
14. Supply. Repair Kit, Epoxy Plastic, Auto Body-
9. Rough Finish After Curing. Rough finish
Type I, FSN 8010-6155370 can be requisitioned through
repaired area to metal contour using either an 9-tooth
normal supply channels.
vixen blade body file or disc grinder (fig. 10) with 60 grit
When using disc, care
should be exercised so as not to "dig
out" plastic causing a low spot.
TAGO 6810A