b. Project and commodity managers will, prior to
(c) The oversea ICP, upon accumulation
procuring new closures, determine the availability of
of vehicle closures in excess of its
closures in the supply system for use by manufacturing
needs, will declare to Army Tank
facilities on continuing production.
Automotive Command the quantity not
required. Only items in condition code
4. Definition. Closures, as referred to herein, are
those protective devices consisting of framework and
condition and packaged as prescribed
flexible cover, installed on track laying vehicles (combat
or special purpose). Views of a typical closure are
return. No credit for the item will be
5. Classification. Vehicle protective closures are
(2) In CONUS excesses will be declared to the
accountable free-issue items and are assigned Federal
U.S. Army Tank Automotive Center (ATAC),
stock numbers. They are provided new or reused with
Warren, Mich., 48090, the managing NICP.
the vehicle at time of manufacture. They may also be
(a) The NICP will notify the element
drawn from the supply system by any unit in the field for
declaring the excess to which depot the
items are to be returned. Part of this
6. Intended Use. Vehicle closures are intended to
notice will be a fund citation to cover
provide protection against the detrimental effects of the
transportation charges. No credit for
elements during shipments and periods of inactivity.
the item will be issued (AMCR 37-17).
(b) Local supply elements will package
components due to the elements and prevent a
vehicle closures for return to depot in
consequent adverse effect on combat readiness.
7. Procedure. a. The category of maintenance
(c) The repair and repackaging of these
placing vehicles in field use will remove the vehicle
items will be accomplished in
closures and retain them for authorized requirements
accordance with current directives and
(para 8). If
there is no
requirement for authorized use
procedures governing secondary items.
the closure will be turned in to local supply elements.
(d) Units requiring the issue of vehicle
b. When local supply elements determine that they
closure based on authorization cited in
have vehicle closure in excess of local authorized
requirements, they will declare this excess through
requisition through normal supply
channels in accordance with AR 755-1 and AR 755-20.
Requisitions will be
(1) Local supply elements of oversea
accepted by the NICP on a "fill or kill"
commands will declare the excess to the
Na back orders will be
managing ICP in their theater.
established for these closures.
(a) The ICP will notify the element
(e) Major item mangers and project
declaring the excess to which depot
managers may also requisition vehicle
these items are to be returned. Part
closures from the supply system.
of this notice will be a fund citation
Method outlined in this paragraph
to cover transportation charges. No
applies except transportation funding
credit for the item will be issued
will be cited.
(AMCR 37-17).
8. Priority of Use.
Priorities for closures are as
(b) Local supply elements will package
vehicle closures for return to depot
a. Vehicles authorized closures being shipped from
manufacturer and/or depot.
b. Vehicles authorized closures that are to be stored
in other than controlled humidity or
AGO 5849A