TB 9-2300-282-12
chains for the specific tire chain being repaired.
the same time turn the hook. (If performing repair to
5. Procedure. a. To install swivel hook, insert
chain which is installed on tire).
hook through tire side chain and turn hook sideways.
Note. These operations can be performed using
Note. Select side chain link that will allow the
hook to point parallel to the tire side wall (fig. 1).
Install another swivel hook to side chain on
Insert end of cross chain onto swivel hook,
opposite side or center chain (dual type) and connect
holding side chain firmly away from tire, and at
opposite end of cross chain to swivel hook using similar
installation procedure.
Figure 1. Installing cross chain using new swivel hook.
b. To remove swivel hook hold side chain away
c. When removing unserviceable cross chains
from tire and turn hook, and pull out of cross chain.
remove all serviceable swivel hooks and retain for future