TB 9-2350-368-25
Damaged lifting slings can fail with load. Personnel can be killed
or injured. Inspect all slings before use. Do not use damaged
Hanging loads can kill or injure you. Keep away from hanging
loads and overhead equipment. Keep hands out of area while
powerplant is being lifted for removal or lowered for installation.
51. Attach powerplant sling to lifting brackets and lift powerplant assembly from powerplant test stand.
Have helper assist.
52. Remove screw, nut, and washer from right gransfer gearcase hole.
53. Remove transfer gearcase mount, screw, nut, and two washers from the left transfer gearcase hole.
54. Prepare powerplant for work or storage area. Refer to TM 38-260. Ensure that powerplant is stable
before removing sling.