TM 43-0139
Section I. GENERAL
Before beginning any painting-related activity, read Chapter 1, Section II, Safety
This chapter covers methods of applying Camouflage Paint Patterns (CPP) to Army materiel. It also covers
procedures for inspecting applied CPP. Equipment consists mainly of brushes, rollers and spray guns; finish systems
consist of Chemical Agent Resistant Coatings (CARC), such as those listed in table 3-3. The CARC topcoats are suited
for camouflage painting and protect military materiel against visual and infrared detection and chemical agent
contamination. The CARC camouflage topcoats are MIL-C-46168 and MIL-C-53039. The CARC epoxy primers are MIL-
P-23377, MIL-P-53022, and MIL-P-53030. Appendix B contains tables with NSNs for these materials.
Information on specific finish systems and kinds of paint to be used for various applications is contained in Chapter
3. Surface preparation is also covered in Chapter 3. Application techniques are covered in Chapter 5. For additional
information on camouflage, refer to the following publications:
AR 750-1
Maintenance of Supplies and Equipment, Army Materiel Maintenance Policies
FM 5-20
TM 5-200
Camouflage Materials
Major items to be camouflage painted are weapons systems, vehicles, communications equipment, construction
equipment, and materials handling equipment. The painting procedures described in this chapter do not apply to aircraft.
Three-color camouflage patterns are created for all combat, combat support, and combat service support equipment
having an area greater than 9 square feet on one or more sides. New items of tactical equipment normally will be CARC
coated in a three-color camouflage pattern at the factory or depot. Some items, however, may be painted with lusterless
CARC green 383 when the pattern has not been developed. These items may be three-color camouflage patterned, at the
commanding officer's discretion, any time after CPP design development.
Only Intermediate and Depot level personnel with equipment and paint booths meeting OSHA standards are
authorized complete painting and/or repainting of equipment or components; if such equipment/booths are not available,
only touch-up efforts are authorized. Unit personnel are permitted to use topcoats and primers for touch-up efforts only,
All military vehicles and equipment have characteristic shapes and shadows. These shapes and shadows
contrast with the material surroundings and make the object stand out. Pattern painting using wavy, irregular patches of
camouflage colors does much to break up the characteristic shapes of the equipment by reducing contrasts with soil and
vegetation, pattern shape, and placement. Patterns have been designed for each type of vehicle to cut off sharp corners,
avoid straight, vertical, and horizontal lines, and extend shadows in shapes similar to natural features and vegetation;
however, the accuracy with which the CPP is applied completely determines how well the CPP camouflages the
Change 3 4-1