TM 5-3655-210-12
Section I. GENERAL
Equipment Serviceability Criteria
This equipment is not covered by an ESC.
These instructions are published for the use by
personnel to whom the Cardox Model E-46750
Destruction of Army Material to Prevent
conversion, storage and charging unit is issued. They
provide information on the operation and organizational
Enemy Use Refer to TM 750-244-3 for instructions to
maintenance of the equipment. Also included are
destroy material to prevent enemy use.
descriptions of main units and their functions in
Administrative Storage
relationship to other components.
Refer to TM 740-90-1 for instructions
aintenance Forms and Records
administrative storage of this equipment.
Maintenance forms and records that you are required to
use are explained in TM 38-750.
a. The Cardox Model E-46750 carbon dioxide
prevent heat transmission. Pipe outlets on the tank
connect to the liquid fill lines, vapor equalizing lines,
liquid storage and conversion unit (figs 1-1 and 1-2) is
pressure and capacity gages, refrigerator coil (storage
self-contained, and is designed for road transportation
pressure vessel), and heater coil (a manway cover is
by any suitable towing unit with air brake connections.
b. A cylindrical storage tank, located at the front of
located at the top of the conversion vessel) (conversion
pressure vessel).
the unit, is divided by a bulkhead into two hermetically
c. The power compartment is located at the rear
sealed pressure vessels: A 6-ton (5.4431 metric tons)
section of the trailer completely enclosed by the housing
pressure vessel (front section) for the storage of liquid
and accessible through the doors at the rear of the
carbon dioxide; and a 2-ton (1.8144 metric tons)
housing. The refrigeration unit for maintaining storage
pressure vessel (rear section) for the conversion of solid
tank temperature, automatic and semi-automatic
carbon dioxide (dry ice) into liquid carbon dioxide and
refrigeration controls, transfer pump, cylinder filling unit,
for storage of liquid carbon dioxide. After the unit has
space heater, and drive units consisting of an electric
been filled either liquid carbon dioxide or solid carbon
motor and a gasoline engine are all mounted in this
dioxide (the latter is reduced to a liquid through the use
compartment. A countershaft with a one-way clutch is
of a heater), the temperature and pressure are
driven by either power unit as desired, but not
controlled by mechanical refrigeration.
The liquid
simultaneously. The countershaft, through clutching, is
carbon dioxide in each pressure vessel is maintained at
used to drive the refrigeration unit, cylinder filling unit,
a temperature of 17C. or OF., and a corresponding
and transfer pump.
Operational gages, control
vapor pressure of 295-305 psi (20.7385 to 21.4415 kg
equipment and valves are also located in this
per sq cm). Each pressure vessel is provided with a
safety vent assembly for protection against abnormally
d. The storage compartment, located below the
high pressures. A manway cover is located at the top of
storage tank in back of the landing gear, is completely
each pressure vessel. Blocks of insulation surround
enclosed by housing and accessible through the doors
each manway and must be kept in place to
on either side of the compartment. The conversion
heater, cylinder scale, tool box, transfer hoses, power
cable, fire extinguisher, refrigerant