TM 9-4910-663-34
Before proceeding with troubleshooting, perform a visual inspection for obvious signs of malfunction. Check
parts and internal wiring for loose connections, breaks, chafing, and signs of overheating.
Before proceeding with troubleshooting procedures, disconnect and remove all accessories from the test stand,
and disconnect all batteries.
When directed in the troubleshooting table to make continuity checks of switches, circuit breakers, or wiring, use
the lowest range of an ohmmeter so that zero resistance will be indicative of continuity. When making continuity checks
of components connected to their normal circuits, be aware of the possible effects of shunt circuits on the meter
indication. Refer to the schematic and wiring diagrams (FO-1 and FO-2). If in doubt, disconnect one lead from the
component whose continuity is to be checked.
To protect test equipment from damage, always set the test equipment to a scale or range higher than the value
to be measured. If the normal value is not known, start with the highest scale or range and reduce the scale or range
setting until a usable indication is obtained.
High voltages dangerous to life are used in the test stand. Avoid contact with conducting parts.
Turn off input power before connecting or disconnecting any test leads to the test stand.
Use of the test stand involves rapidly rotating parts. Make certain that all parts subject to rotation
are securely attached before turning on the test stand.
The noise level is high during operation of the test stand. To protect hearing, wear an acoustical
ear muff.
Never connect an ohmmeter across the calibration binding posts or jacks of the front panel meters.
Some of these meters have millivolt movements that may be damaged by the ohmmeter output
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