TM 9-4910-663-34
Table 2-5. TROUBLESHOOTING (Continued)
from GENERATOR F binding post to REGULATOR B+ binding post. Connect test lead from
positive DC VARIABLE VOLTS OUTPUT binding post to GENERATOR G+ binding post. Connect
positive lead of external DC voltmeter (0-5 volt range) to REGULATOR G+ binding post, and
connect negative lead of external DC voltmeter to REGULATOR B+ binding post. Set DC
switch S14 to X1 position. Set DC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE SELECT switch S11 to VAR
position, and set DC VOLTMETER OUTPUT VOLTAGE RANGE switch S12 to X2 position. Set
MILLIVOLT METER MILLIVOLT DROP RANGE switch S16 to X10 position. Make certain
VARIABLE LOAD control R32 is set fully counterclockwise; then, set LOAD SELECTION 0-25
AMPS/0-12.5 AMPS switch S24 to ON position. Make certain that DC VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY
0-32 VDC control is set fully counterclockwise. Set circuit breaker switch CB1 to ON position. Set
MASTER LOAD DISCONNECT switch S8 to ON position. Set DC VARIABLE VOLTS switch S10 to
ON position, and adjust DC VARIABLE POWER SUPPLY 0-32 VDC control T5 slowly to obtain 2
volt indication on external DC voltmeter. Press MILLIVOLT METER MILLIVOLT DROP PRESS TO
READ switch S34 momentarily, and check to see that MILLIVOLT METER MILLIVOLT DROP meter
M4 indicates 2 volts.
If correct meter indication is not obtained, proceed to step 2.
Step 2.
Do not disturb any control setting. Move connections of external DC voltmeter to calibration binding
posts for MILLIVOLT METER MILLIVOLT DROP meter M4, observing polarity. Press MILLIVOLT
METER MILLIVOLT DROP PRESS TO READ switch S34 momentarily, and check indications on
external DC voltmeter and MILLIVOLT METER MILLIVOLT DROP meter M4.
If no indication is obtained on both meters, replace MILLIVOLT METER MILLIVOLT DROP
PRESS TO READ switch S34. If external DC voltmeter indicates normally but MILLIVOLT
METER MILLIVOLT DROP meter M4 indicates zero, proceed to step 3.
Step 3.
Set circuit breaker switch CB1 to OFF position. Disconnect test lead from REGULATOR B+ and