TM 9-4910-743-14&P
Preparation for Use and Installation Instructions.
the chrome balancer head out
of the dampener basin and fill
the basin to the top of the
step on the center post with
SAE 20 (MIL-L-2104) motor oil,
approx. 6 fluid ounces.
Replace the head . . . be sure
that pivot post A fits into
tube B and flange C rests on
rim of dampener basin D. This
oil has no lubricating value.
It will not wear out nor will
it need to be changed. The
oil is an oscillation dampener
to stabilize the balancer
without interfering with
specified sensitivity or ac-
b. Required Setup Procedure:
To be performed at time of installation and
whenever Balancer is moved.
(1) Place a tire and wheel assembly on the Balancer (make sure that the
foot pedal is in the "OFF" position).
(2) Using the leveling legs, CENTER the bubble on the CROSS HAIRS.
(3) Turn the Balancer on, using the foot pedal.
(4) Balance the tire and wheel assembly.
(5) Rotate the tire and wheel assembly turn WITHOUT LIFTING IT FROM
THE BALANCER (to ensure that the Head remains engaged).
(6) IF the bubble has moved from dead center, use the leveling legs to
bring it HALF-WAY back from dead center.
The unit is now ready for use.
General Theory of Operation.
Static and dynamic unbalance result from an uneven distribution of
To correct static and dynamic unbalance you must first locate the heavy
area, then counterbalance.
This resolves itself to a simple weighing procedure.
The degree of accuracy to which you can balance depends entirely upon the ac-
This is pre-
curacy of the weighing device, in this case, the wheel balancer.
cisely what your wheel balancer is -- a sensitive and accurate weighing device.
Its operation meets the following specifications: