TB 43-0209
(6) Division Support Command DSC
Trailers will be marked with the same number as the
(7) Army Posts, Camps and Stations. See AR
vehicle which normally tows them, preceded by the letter
(8) Army Depots and Arsenals. See AR 310-
l. Branch of Service. The following symbols will be
used to denote the branch of service:
(9) Reception Center RC
(10) Replacement Training Center RTC,
(1) Airborne........................................................ ABN
preceded by appropriate service designation shown in 1
(2) Airmobile ........................................................ AM
(3) Amphibious .................................................. APH
(11) Battalion or Squadron organic to a larger
(4) Antiaircraft .......................................................AA
(5) Armored ......................... Equilateral triangle with
battalion/squadron, followed by a slash (1), followed by
....................................................................... base down
the Arabic numeral designating the larger force, followed
(6) Cavalry ......................................................... CAV
by the appropriate service designation shown in 1 below.
(7) Air Cavalry..................................................ACAV
(12) Other
(8) Armored Cavalry ............ Equilateral triangle with
Organization or Activity. Appropriate and nonconflicting
........................................... base down, followed by CAV
letters, and where applicable, numerals to properly
(9) Chemical ........................................................... C
identify the Command, Organization or Activity. See AR
(10) Civil Affairs ....................................................CA
(11) Engineer .......................................................... E
j. The third markings, which will appear on the
(12) Field Artillery.................................................... F
right side in the unit markings, denotes company, battery,
(13) Infantry ............. I, preceded by a dash 1 in long
or other small unit. Typical examples are shown below:
(14) Mechanized ............................................... MCH
(15) Medical ............................................................M
(1) Automatic Weapons .............................. AW
(16) Military Intelligence.........................................MI
(2) Calibration ............................................ CAL
(17) Military Police .................................................. P
(3) Collection & Classification.................... C&C
(18) Ordnance .......O, preceded by a dash 1 in. long
(4) Direct Support ........................................ DS
(19) Quartermaster .................................................Q
(5) Explosive Ordnance Disposal ..............EOD
(20) Signal .............................................................. S
(6) Floating Bridge ...................................... FLB
(21) Transportation ................................................. T
(7) General Supply .................................... GSP
m. A list of Approved Abbreviations is found in AR
(8) Heavy Equip Maintenance .................. HEM
(9) Inventory Control Co. (center)............... ICC
n. Typical examples of the above markings are as
(10) Light Truck ....................................... LTRK
(11) Missile ................................................ MSL
(1) 1A-X-HQ-4: First United States Army, Hq
(12) Medium Boat ........................................ MB
& Hq Co, 4th vehicle.
(13) Panel Bridge..........................................PB
(2) VII-M-X-9:
VII Corps, Med. Det, 9th
(14) Petroleum........................................... PET
(3) 25-1/27-C-3: 25th Inf. Div, 1st Bn, 27th
(16) Repair Parts Supply ........................... RPS
Inf., Co C, 3d vehicle.
(17) Service ..................................................SV
(4) 4-2R8-A-6: 4th Div, 2d Recon Sq of 8th
(18) Support............................................... SPT
Cav, Trp A, 6th vehicle.
(19) Supply & Service................................ S&S
(5) 3-1/32-B-7: 3d Armd Div, 1st Tk Bn of 32d
(20) Transportation Motor Pool ................. TMP
Armor, Co B, 7th vehicle.
(21) Tire Repair ............................................TR
(6) 10-2F7-C-2: 10th Inf. Div, 2d Bn of 7th
(22) Other Units--Appropriate and non-conflicting letters,
FA, Btry C, 2d vehicle.
normally not to exceed three, which will easily identify the
(7) 82ABN-820F-D-5: 82d Abn Div, 820th FA,
unit. AR 310-50 should be used as a guide when
Btry D, 5th vehicle.
choosing a unit designation.
(8) 2-1/50-A-8: 2d Armd Div, 1st AR Bn of
k. The last marking on the right denotes the vehicle
50th Inf., Co A, 8th vehicle 2-BDE.
number in the unit. In tactical type units, vehicles will be
numbered in the sequence of their normal order of
march. Vehicles in administrative use assigned to
transportation motor pools or depot operations may be
marked in any appropriate sequence.