TB 43-0209
(9) 2BDE-53APH-A-4: 2d Engr Amph Spt
(2) The markings will be of suitable size for
Brig, 53-2d Amph Spt Regt, Trans Boat Co A, 4th
identification from the ground at reasonable distances,
and may be applied in any appropriate color using
(10) 4GP-S-HQ-2: 4th Sig Gp, Hq & Hq Det,
temporary paint or removable adhesive-backed decal
2d vehicle.
(11) 1A-962-O-AM-5:
First United States
(3) Tactical markings should be designed to
Army, 962 Ord Ammo Co, 5th vehicle.
be as nearly unintelligible to enemy observation as
(12) 4A-483Q-REF-1: Fourth United States
possible. The markings will not, in any way, represent or
Army, 483d Q Refrigerating Co, 1st vehicle.
suggest the numerical designation or distinctive insignia
(13) 3A-1M-SUR-10:
Third United States
of any unit. No written record will be made or published
Army, lst Surg Hosp, 10th vehicle.
describing the system of markings used.
(14) 5A-531T-TRK-7:
Fifth United States
b. Priority sign is a sign to mark those vehicles
Army, 531st Trans Trk Co, 7th vehicle.
which are assigned priority of movement over all other
(15) 1AADC-52ADA-3HQ-2: 1st Rgn Army Air
vehicles in an area by the responsible area commander.
Def Comd, 52d Air Def Arty Rgt, Hq Btry of 3d Msl Bn, 2d
These markings may be authorized for any significant
and essential reason and are valid only within the area
(16) TC-FE-TMP-12: Trans Corps, Ft. Eustis,
under the jurisdiction of the responsible commander.
Trans Mtr Pool, 12th vehicle.
They must be removed when no longer required for the
(17) 6A-FO-TMP-9: Sixth United States Army,
priority mission. They may not be displayed when the
Ft Ord, Trans Mtr Pool, 9th vehicle.
vehicle is not actually on a priority mission.
o. The unit identification markings will be applied
(1) The priority sign will be made of sheet
on one line whenever possible, and will consist of each
metal in the shape of an equilateral triangle with one
of the four basic categories described above, in the
point down. Each side will be 12 inches long; the
same order. Where space is limited, requiring the use of
corners will be rounded to a 1/2inch radius, Figure 14.
two lines, the Major Command marking will appear
directly above the Intermediate Activity, and the Unit
Identification will appear directly above the Vehicle
Number. The first two categories will appear to the left of
the last two categories. The following arrangements of
markings shown in g above are permitted.
p. When directed on authority from the responsible
commander for security purposes, the first and second
categories listed in this paragraph will be completely
removed from all vehicles and equipment being shipped
Figure 14. Priority sign.
with units outside the continental United States.
(2) The background color will be lusterless
white 37875. A one-inch border will be lusterless red
31136. The military symbol of the organization, whose
a. Tactical markings are used to provide a more
commander authorized the priority, will be centered in
visible means for identifying vehicles of tactical units by
the triangle. Color of the symbol will be lusterless red
the personnel of those units during tactical operations.
Commanders of major organizations are responsible for
(3) All symbols used will conform to FM 21-
determination of the type of tactical markings to be used
by all units within their organizations and the location of
the markings on the vehicles. Changes may be made
only with the approval of the major commanders.
(1) These tactical markings may consist of stripes,
geometrical figures, or other simple designs, including
name, for individual vehicles.